Joined: 2nd May, 2012
Blog » X3TC » Blogging away
Posted by Sha1hulud on Friday 1st June, 2012 ·
Greetings and salutations,
This will be my first ever blog, thus it will likely be wrought with errors. I have owned the X3 games for about 15 months now, yet I've not honestly had the patience to really get into a single save before now. I recently played relatively far into X3AP, getting the HQ and Xenon Hub before becoming disgusted by my ineptly built system of trade, and decided to give X3:TC a try after almost a year long hiatus.
I've now played for about 3 hours real time, yet I've managed to die at least twice that number. I started out with the Terran character. I tried to complete the main quest with out any additional help; that failed resoundingly after I died twice attempting to scan the pirate base. It almost seems as if the pirate incursions in X3Tc are much harsher and more rampant than in X3AP, either that or the factions are less capable of repelling them without the additional support provided to them in X3AP.
While avoiding all of these incursions, I have set out to obtain as many of the free ships as possible without selling nay of the ones that are unique copies in the game(so I might reverse-engineer them later on). I have finally purchase 2 Mistrals and begun to set them up as Sector Trades in Argon Territory. Hopefully, I will be using the recently acquired funding from selling the Mamba to purchase some more and to start my complex building.
I think I shall be using Mines of Fortune as one of my major complex sectors, if not my Core sector. I know it doesn't have the best asteroids, but by god, it has enough! Savage Spur also has a certain appeal, but that would require better negotiations and relations on my part that I'm not ready for yet.
Here's to a busy weekend of Xing it up!
If you've managed to actually read this far, thank your; and if you have any tips or hints feel free to message me in any ways possible!
Live Long and Prosper
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