Capturing ships (Tips/Tricks)

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JackKiller2266 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 12 years ago.

@Link238 the pun I was talking about was
Xe and Non in them.
(Xe +Non = Xenon the ‘evil’ bent on killing all life in the universe)


suzukigsxr avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.


Getsu Fune Trading Dock is where to look for Cargo Life Support Toetap


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 12 years ago.

I'm not for sure but I think the trading dock in The Vault has them also.


Link avatar
Level badge Eagleguey (11)
Posted 12 years ago.

actually I found out they come standard on things like an Express. I'm just going to get one of those, strip the lifesupport and install trade 3 then head over to otas and work on my rep


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 12 years ago.

Got my M7M in my current TC game finally. Picked up a Kraken. Went after a Carrack and it couldn't have went better, except for one minor detail. For some reason my ship would randomly fire missiles at the worst possible time.

Like I was holding down the shields with flails and it just fired a Hammer torp out of the blue. After that and my guys were hacking the core and I was reloading for loot, on one of the reloads it fired a barrage of hammers while had none loaded. I think ima have to verify my game files or something.


Other than that it went really well. Ended up with 87% hull and 8 IBLs (4 per side), PBEs and IPGs. Didn't even have to reload once my guys were on board. Sent in the 5 guys I have been using to cap M6s and 15 well trained guys with next to zero fighting experience.

Got an Aran today too. found three of them but only 1 had enough hull left to board Cry. Need to repair it and use it for a mobile base. (ed: forget about that - cost 30m to repair it up to 24% lol! - sold it at 10% hull for 22m. Just jacked a Galleon too. This is a lot easier than I remember...)

So after all that bragging I guess i better leave a boarding tip - The turbo booster works extremely well if your trying to board a ship with an m7m that is a bit faster than you.


cjm3fl avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 12 years ago.

Like I was holding down the shields with flails and it just fired a Hammer torp out of the blue. After that and my guys were hacking the core and I was reloading for loot, on one of the reloads it fired a barrage of hammers while had none loaded. I think ima have to verify my game files or something.
- Sinxar

I had a similar issue going after my first couple of Carracks.
It seemed to stop when I set the 'Auto Aim' to "off".

It's not what someone has's about what they are about to do!

Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 12 years ago.

Here is a crappy vid of a galleon boarding with a Kraken. It had a hull polarizing device and only 2 teams were able to get in. But it turned out well, nobody died and the marines in space were saved after the capture.

(1080p available)


Seygantte avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 12 years ago.

This method differers somewhat from my preferred method, which is why I think making a video would also contribute. I will do so soon if someone picks a target for me.

ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 12 years ago.

This method differers somewhat from my preferred method, which is why I think making a video would also contribute. I will do so soon if someone picks a target for me.
- Seygantte

Yea that would be awesome. I want to see somebody cap a Tyr.

I got some Ryu's last night and wow what a pain in the ass. They kept shooting down my pods even with using flails as a screen. When I do the balance of power plot, i want to cap all 4 of those Tyr's that chase you at the end lol.

ed: or how about something you consider difficult.


Link avatar
Level badge Eagleguey (11)
Posted 12 years ago.

This method differers somewhat from my preferred method, which is why I think making a video would also contribute. I will do so soon if someone picks a target for me.
- Seygantte

Tyr would be cool


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

Here is a crappy vid of a galleon boarding with a Kraken.
- Sinxar

I do it the same exactly way too. It might be worth including this into the wiki, as im sure it will be useful!
ps. fixed a problem that stopped the video going full-screen too.


ConCorDian avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 12 years ago.

i have boarded that way before, but myself being the carrier type player i more often than not use fighters to bring the sheilds down using the "Attack sheild" command and use the M7M remotly to launch the Marines.

the two ship approah though seems pretty good, bring in an M7 and M7M (for me more often or not the Griffon) fly it yourself and strip the sheilds, once sheilds are down i load all my turrets with IonD's and then start stripping the ships equipment, once im clear of any obstructions i remote tell my M7M to launch marines and i let my Griffons IonD's keep the sheilds down, ill normally use Wasps as well to keep any missile defences busy whilst the Pods are Enroute as well.

i just find using fighters will take its toll (ill lose a few) but its more fun for me...

tho' we are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are
One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield
- Tennyson

martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

Here is my method (stolen from an older post):
Here is the post I was talking about.
I will tell you how I did it. I found one (actually two) in Xenon Core. I spammed hammers at all the other capitals (killed 2 K's, 2 J's and countless Q's) enough to clear the gate. Then I jumped in my Guppy and Hyperion with an additional 8 five-star marines. I burned away from the center of the sector, while shooting at the I to get its attention. Once I was out 30km form him, I matched speed, and killed off any fighters, P's, or Q's that spawned to help him. Once he was sufficiently far from the center of the sector (away from where any spawning Xenon could kill him once I took control), I reloaded with the missiles from the Guppy (It carries an additional 450 hammers and 600 flails) and worked down the shields of the I. I was around 25km from it the first time and 20km from it the second time.

Oh, I forgot to mention, the I can and will barrage Firestorm torpedoes at you. Make sure you shoot them down! They will kill you. He usually fires 3 at a time. Once he runs out, he will fire hornets at an ungodly rate. These aren't such a big deal, just point you rear end at them and let your flak take them out (assuming you are using a Cobra)

On to the boarding. It took me a little while to figure out the timing of it. The shields recharge very fast, so 1 flail a second or so is needed to keep them down. While the marines are in route, transfer the extra 8 marines from the Hyperion, and keep running 1 flail a second, and shooting a flail at each firestorm he fires. Once the marines land, launch the second set of marines; they should meet up with the first around deck 3-4. Save before the first set make it in. This is the save you will need to come back to if you don't have 16 or more marines once you make it through all 5 decks.

If you don't have at least 16 marines still alive when the 5th deck is clear, they will all die. I had 14 alive when the 5th deck was clear, and they all died instantly. You will need at least 16 alive after all 5 decks. Once they start hacking you can save, and come back if you want to get different drops, but at that point the ship is yours.

I killed the second I in the core, because it had hull damage. It respawned in Xenon sector 695. This is where I took the second I. Same method, burning away until it was sufficiently far and all the supporting fleet was dead.

pic of the two I's.
Pic of the I in action.
- martimus


Seygantte avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 12 years ago.

I failed to find a Tyr today. The hunt will continue tomorrow.

ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

ConCorDian avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 12 years ago.

still not found that Tyr yet Seygantte?

tho' we are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are
One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield
- Tennyson
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