Capturing ships (Tips/Tricks)


Instruguey (13)

They don't seem to be anywhere. Odins aplenty but not a Tyr in sight. >:C
ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

Eagleguey (11)


Proguey (12)

yeh im tracking 4 at the moment. thing im more having issues keeping track of is the Kyoto, only ever seems to be one and its in asteroid belt and gets destroyed within an hour of spawning from what ive seen. but the Argon have held Asteroid Belt in my Boron start pretty much since i got there. dont know why
tho' we are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are
One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield
- Tennyson
One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield
- Tennyson

Instruguey (13)

Same for me, currently there are 2 Raptors loitering in Asteroid Belt making it tough for Terrans to get a handhold. Also the Boreas heading up from Heretics End isn't going to make it any easier.
I finally found a Tyr chilling in Jupiter, but due to sods law it's so smashed up that it's not worth boarding.
I finally found a Tyr chilling in Jupiter, but due to sods law it's so smashed up that it's not worth boarding.
ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

Boneguey (9)

I got my Tyrs in the Aldrin sectors. The problem with them is that both of them were escorted by quite a few M7Ms, which make them very hard to take.

Boneguey (9)

My way was to view how much shielding the ship had, then calculate how many hammers that would be. Divide that number by 8, and round down. After destroying all escorts and staying out of firing range of the target, launch the number of barrages I calculated along with additional hammers to bring it to 0. Match speed with the target (facing away) and start launching a wave of flails a couple seconds apart. Once I launch 3-4 flails, I launch marines, and continue my flail launches until the marines land. Then I slow down flail launches to avoid hull damage, but keep up enough to keep the shields down. Once the marines are onboard, I stop launching flails, and just wait until the ship is mine. I usually approach the target as soon as the marines make it to the core.

Cruguey (18)

Ok after clearing out some xenon sectors I now see how much the cluster flak sucks. it seems like the problem has to do with the targeting/range.
Its shooting at things where the projectile splits up as its max range so the actual explosion misses. Its too bad its a cool looking weapon system
Its shooting at things where the projectile splits up as its max range so the actual explosion misses. Its too bad its a cool looking weapon system


Instruguey (13)

As a 'stand-alone' weapon, the Cluster Flak is a bit lacking.
On my Griffon I mated a Cluster Flak with an FAA in the top and bottom each.
It worked out pretty well.
I did mount 4 CFA in the 'main gun' of my Griffon and it worked nicely for clearing swarms of fighters that were coming at me.
On a few of my Carracks, that are doing Sector Patrol duty, I have mixed CFA/FAA in the turrets.
Fighters don't stand a chance.
True, it's not my first choice...but it fits pretty well in a couple of places of my fleet's arsenal.
On my Griffon I mated a Cluster Flak with an FAA in the top and bottom each.
It worked out pretty well.
I did mount 4 CFA in the 'main gun' of my Griffon and it worked nicely for clearing swarms of fighters that were coming at me.
On a few of my Carracks, that are doing Sector Patrol duty, I have mixed CFA/FAA in the turrets.
Fighters don't stand a chance.
True, it's not my first choice...but it fits pretty well in a couple of places of my fleet's arsenal.
It's not what someone has's about what they are about to do!

Cruguey (18)

I'm having some difficulties in TC with boarding mission spawned ships. I've been collecting Carracks and when I reload for loot they never seem to spawn IBLs as loot.
I reloaded the game for over an hour today trying to get IBLs to spawn but the best I could get is 15 CIGs. Also they seem to have a pre-generated spawn set I have noticed while trying to get different targets (all mission M7s) to spawn the IBLs.
The ones i get are:
15 CIG
15 CIG 2 Fighter Drones + Jumpdrive
1 1GJ shield
2 1GJ shield + jumpdrive
9 banshee missiles
-empty- + random upgrades
Those are from mission spawned Carracks, I don't have this problem with naturally spawned ones in pirate sectors however. They will spawn IBLs no problem.
Anybody else have this problem or is it just me?
ed: Turns out that capitals spawned in station protect missions do not produce IBLs at all. That was an epic waste of time.
I reloaded the game for over an hour today trying to get IBLs to spawn but the best I could get is 15 CIGs. Also they seem to have a pre-generated spawn set I have noticed while trying to get different targets (all mission M7s) to spawn the IBLs.
The ones i get are:
15 CIG
15 CIG 2 Fighter Drones + Jumpdrive
1 1GJ shield
2 1GJ shield + jumpdrive
9 banshee missiles
-empty- + random upgrades
Those are from mission spawned Carracks, I don't have this problem with naturally spawned ones in pirate sectors however. They will spawn IBLs no problem.
Anybody else have this problem or is it just me?
ed: Turns out that capitals spawned in station protect missions do not produce IBLs at all. That was an epic waste of time.

Cruguey (18)

I was thinking about getting my fight rank really high with combat missions. I wanted a ship that could carry a fighter for personal use but have some serious firepower if needed.
At first I was like... hmm... perhaps a Panther? But nah, I used it too much in the past. So how about an M1? I have a Galleon already but use it to patrol the hub. Then I remembered that Yaki carrier that spawns in Weavers Tempest. Lets make it happen!
So i jump in there and he is sitting in the perfect spot, 15km off of me with his fighters out. I drag him out away from the gate and proceed to board it with no issues. I jumped that out and another one spawned about 40km away and started trying to catch me. Capped that one no problem also. So I jumped out of there to see if I could get one of those M2s and sure enough there was one sitting near the gate next door and boarded that too lol.
It seems that Shuri endlessly respawns and its very easy to board as its so slow. The Akuma looks fun but it will prolly get patrol duty.
Akuma - Shuri - Shuri
At first I was like... hmm... perhaps a Panther? But nah, I used it too much in the past. So how about an M1? I have a Galleon already but use it to patrol the hub. Then I remembered that Yaki carrier that spawns in Weavers Tempest. Lets make it happen!
So i jump in there and he is sitting in the perfect spot, 15km off of me with his fighters out. I drag him out away from the gate and proceed to board it with no issues. I jumped that out and another one spawned about 40km away and started trying to catch me. Capped that one no problem also. So I jumped out of there to see if I could get one of those M2s and sure enough there was one sitting near the gate next door and boarded that too lol.
It seems that Shuri endlessly respawns and its very easy to board as its so slow. The Akuma looks fun but it will prolly get patrol duty.
Akuma - Shuri - Shuri


Markoguey (10)

i usually find at least 3 kyoto's and 2 tyrs loitering in the 'roid belt and they are always right next to each other and it piss's me off 'cause i cant cap them, normal for me everything up to lyrene is all Terran controlled, and fuck man they keep a lot of ships active in my games, that and there are a TON!! of osaka's, i mean like 5 or 6 per terran sector in my game,

Trueguey (22)

Akuma - Shuri - Shuri
- Sinxar
- Sinxar
I boarded a few of them myself, and I agree they are easy ships to board. Although they are quite useful ships.

Cruguey (18)

I ended up getting a Tokyo. Bought it, kitted it out with PSP + Starburst and filled it with Pike Ls. Now I decided I don't like it lol. Its good though and it will be used for support, but as a personal ship... might as well just use the Kraken or a Shrike.

Trueguey (22)

@Sinxar Do you not find that the Terran Capitals seem slow to fire? or is it me?

Cruguey (18)

yea they are really slow. the PSPs take ages to fire I even hopped in the turret to check that and its just the weapon speed i guess.
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