The upstairs project 2016 (Page 15)
Day twelve
So today date is Thursday 15th of June - where we started to install the insulation material we got yesterday. We choose to use 100mm Xtratherm which should give a good thermal barrier (without all the problems with fibreglass). After cutting with a saw, the dust was a bit hard to breathe. So we used a hazard class hover to keep the dust down (which made a huge improvement). I dont see the point of using a air-mask, as when you remove it you simply breathe in all the particles - surely its better to remove them from the air in the first place! Most of the day was spent inserting the foam - which still isnt finished. It will probably take most of tomorrow - as it needs fitting around the joists (which takes quite a bit of time);
So the last thing we done today was to have a look at the windows from the outside - as that part is complete. I must admit it looks a heck-of-lot better than the old windows now;

So tomorrow we probably be finishing off the roof insulation. Hopefully the plan is to have the upstairs covered in plasterboard at the end of the weekend. Nothing is set in stone.