The upstairs project 2016 (Page 16)
Day thirteen
The plan today was to carry-on with the thermal insulation, so in the morning we carried on. We got a bit more done, but no where complete. The plan after lunch was to get some plasterboard, look around for some bulbs (GU10) and see how much paint would cost. However before then we had to empty the car, as it was filled with junk wanting to go to the recycling center. So we were out a fair few hours after lunch;
When we got back we decided to try some lights, as there wasnt much time left. So we hooked up three kinds of lights; GU10 4000k lights (shop own brand), RS MR16 6500k and the old halogen to see the difference (and check the dimmer was okay to dim LED's). I personally dont like the 2700k colour bulbs - they are too yellow for me. Although im not sure about 6500k or 4000k. Over the next couple of days ill have to make a decision on which kind of bulbs to go for. Ideally I dont want them buzzing or flicking when dimming;

So today we did a bit more to the insulation material but the main thing was to get some plasterboard. At-least we putting stuff back in, rather than taking it out.