The upstairs project 2016 (Page 2)
The emptying of the spare room
So after our delivery the main task for me was to clean-out the upstairs spare room. This is a little area to the left of area 2 (which is directly above our front-room). In 2005 this area had plasterboard installed, to make it some-what easier to use (to hide any fibre glass etc.). This area has an air-brick on the back-wall but is a useful room to store things.This area had a lot of junk in it; like boxes from products we no longer have, old tv stands (for tv's we no longer have - who has CRT's nowadays?) or items which havnt seen the light-of-day for 10+ years (why the heck are we still keeping it?). This has accumulated over the years, and meant there was a lot less space. I wanted to move as much good stuff (like tv's, speakers, sofa etc.) into that room - out of harm's way. I dont want to get my stuff damaged, covered in dust or made itchy if/when any fibreglass is removed. So it took the rest of the day to tidy. Afterwards it looked like this;

However this left us with a load of boxes which needed checking (there might be useful stuff, or names/address etc.). So on the Wednesday (1st June) it was time to go through all the boxes, and check them. Id checked them quickly (on the Monday) but they required a better look. So we checked through the boxes and took them downstairs to be placed in dad's car (he would be taking them to the recycling centre on the Saturday). However there was so much of it (we couldnt even move down the hallway)! It was mounting up so much, it looked like it was going to be atleast two trips. So we decided to take one batch ourselves (on the Wednesday). After we got back, it was time to load up dad's car;

So now with half the junk in the recycle centre and the other in dad's car, it was now possible to move the good stuff into the spare room. This would be a thing for another day.