The upstairs project 2016 (Page 3)
Time to store
So the next day (Thursday - 2nd June) the house was clear of junk. The next thing to do is to get my pc downstairs and move the rest of my stuff into the spare room (were it should be safe). I did hope my sofa would get in there as-well but wasnt thinking it would (its a big object). After some measuring it looked like it would get in there if the feet were unscrewed. So I started to disconnect things (which was kind-of sad), and start move them into the spare room, although my pc would go into my bedroom (so I can play games 'n' watch something before going to be bed). This basically took the whole of Thursday to do. We also got a phone call to tell us that the blinds had come into the store. We told them we would pick them up on the Saturday (we aren't in any rush for the blinds, as we wont need them for awhile). Both mum and dad have booked off the next week off, so we should make some good head-way on the project then. The spare room was a little filled now;
We did managed to get the sofa in there, all the speakers, a couple of tables, two tv's (a 55" and a 40" screen), two air-con units, carpets, cables and a little more. We got pretty-much most things I wanted to be moved - more than I would of hoped to be honest (which is good, its safer in there). The fridge/freezer will have to be took off-line and the contents moved to another unit (it will be unplugged and covered with a dust-sheet during the work). The upstairs is now pretty barren and has an a bit of an echo;

So now work can begin on the Saturday. We are hoping that we can remove the existing windows, patch-up the roof and install the four windows so they are sealed from the outside in the next week. It would be good if we can get the internal of the windows done also, but if it doesnt then it wont be too bad - as long as they are sealed from the outside. We also plan to look at the lightning, as we are thinking about replacing them all with LED's.