The upstairs project 2016 (Page 20)
The first weekday
So today is Thursday the 23rd of June, 2016. We have been working on the upstairs during the evening now (doing odd couple of hours here and there). This has meant progress is much slower, but there is still progress. We had a couple of problems with the last couple of plasterboard sheets - meaning it took longer. However I am glad to say all the of the plasterboard (on the walls) is now done;

The next thing to look at is the ceiling and lighting. For the lights we should be installing 22-24 GU10 LED 6500k 5w lights. So the cabling for that will need to go in soon. We are also installing extra insulation foam in the ceiling too. Over the weekend we need to have another look at two of the windows - as we missed a soaker on each. Doh!