The upstairs project 2016 (Page 22)
The light test
I know its been awhile since my last entry but work has been going much slower. Today is the 2nd of July 2016. The main thing we wanted to do today was to test the lights before the ceiling is up. It is a good idea to check before, as when the ceiling is done it will be much harder to fix any issues. We later spotted one cable that had been trapped between two joists and needed replacement. Anyway, this is our first light test;
So with the lights tested - all of them seem to work correctly; it was time to put all the lights away. Our Futronix P100 Dimmer worked without a problem. After that we had to draw a little diagram and put on where the lights all be installed later. We need to do this now, because later it will be hard to tell where they go once they are covered up. We have 3 sets of lights; eight in area 2 (the smaller area on the left), two above the staircase and 12 in area 1 (the larger area, on the right). The lights in area 1 and 2 are controlled by our P100 dimmer, whilst the lights over the staircase are controlled by a separate standard dimmer. Anyway, here is our plan (I know its not the neatest but does the job for now);

Now with all that done we could actually start installing some of the plasterboard on the ceiling. We did a fair amount of it today, but not quite all. Anyway this is how things looked at the end of the day;

Anyway, thats hope things are at the moment. We should be able to finish off the rest of the plasterboard tomorrow.