The upstairs project 2016 (Page 25)

Weekend of getting plastered

During the past few days we been working hard to prepare the area for plastering this weekend. This required quite a lot of things to be done by Saturday;
  • Apply masking tape around the windows,
  • Recheck that all the scrim has been added between the plasterboard joins,
  • Cover up the floor with dust-sheets, so protect it from falling plaster,
  • Smooth-out any bumps or screws/nails,
I am glad to say we did manage to complete all tasks, so on the Saturday & Sunday (9/10th July) started on the plastering. Plastering is very messy and there's not much you do to make it cleaner.

Weekend of plastering #1
Weekend of plastering #2

Its by no means complete; and will take another day or two to finish off. This should mean that I should be taking over doing cleaning, filling & painting soon (I have no idea when this will happen exactly). However when we reach this milestone, then I will taking over fully myself. I am hopping to have it finish within a week or two (from me taking over), although if it takes longer - so be it.

Next: After plastering
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