The upstairs project 2016 (Page 29)
The first coat
Hopefully the filling & sanding stage done; its time to start the painting - or the first coat as I call it. During this stage I will be closely checking the paint coverage, to make sure its covering correctly and removing any excess bumps in the surfaces. I know this doesn't sound very exciting but its something which needs to be done. The first coat was completed on the 25th July, after-which it now looks like this;

As you can see; a bit of paint makes a heck-of-lot of difference. The next thing to do is check the surfaces to see where surface filler is required. Hopefully there wont be much but you never know - the paint shows you what you have missed. After the surface filling, it will be time to put some extra layers of paint down (and cutting-in). This will be tricky to show you on the net, so my next update will probably be when things are being installed. Being hopeful, that should be this weekend...