Cerberus Vanguard (ware)

The first of the newly-designed M-sized support ships to reach the Federal and Republic navies, the Cerberus-class frigate is primarily designed to target and support smaller and similarly-sized vessels in a defensive capacity. Notably, the Cerberus was also the first ship of its size to support a fully-functional dock for smaller ships; a massive technical challenge for its designers. This has only made it a more popular choice of ship, and saw a new design race explode throughout the Jump Gate network as other ship designers scrambled to copy the Argons' innovative design.

Ware price Min: 819,115, Avg: 963,665, Max: 1,108,215,
Ware type Ship
Ware subtype
Ware volume 1
Ware ID (for devs) ship_arg_m_frigate_01_a

Primary resources
Min Max
172 x Energy Cells 1,720 1,720
909 x Hull Parts 132,714 132,714
Total 134,434 134,434
Production cycle
Cycle time 31 seconds,
Batch size 1 units
Products per hour 116.1
Cycles per hour 116.1
Profit per hour
Min Avg Max
Primary only 79,511,342 96,297,794 113,084,245

Use in the creation of;
  • Unknown...

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