Guppy (ware)

The Guppy light carrier was the first carrier Atreus Shipbuilding Currents developed. While development started during the end of the Atreus Era, it carried over into, and was completed during, the Menelaus Era. After six years of development, and a major budget increase, the first Guppy departed from the Ocean of Fantasy Shipyard in 790 (NT) to serve the Boron Royal Navy.

Menelaus Era ships were built between 785 (NT) and 798 (NT) as a second wave of more autonomous ships in preparation for the Jump Gate shutdowns. To reduce flight mass, the ships are mostly filled with air, requiring Boron crew to wear protective suits. The new Menelaus cabinet allowed corporations, working under a government contract, access to various classified technological advancements made by Royal Boron Military Defence research facilities. The ships designed with those technologies are less sturdy than the first wave of Atreus Era ships, but more manoeuvrable.

Ware price Min: 5,405,973, Avg: 6,513,220, Max: 7,620,468,
Ware type Ship
Ware subtype
Ware volume 1
Ware ID (for devs) ship_bor_l_carrier_01_a

Primary resources
Min Max
1320 x Energy Cells 13,200 13,200
5200 x Hull Parts 759,200 759,200
3660 x Water 117,120 117,120
Total 889,520 889,520
Production cycle
Cycle time 2 mins, 55 seconds,
Batch size 1 units
Products per hour 20.6
Cycles per hour 20.6
Profit per hour
Min Avg Max
Primary only 92,909,890 115,687,543 138,465,216

Use in the creation of;
  • Unknown...

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