Orca (ware)

After their long history of manufacturing exclusively civilian construction and service ships, in 789 (NT) Lucky Planets Construction Enterprises accepted a government contract to develop an XL resupplier for the Royal Boron Navy. While some of their competitors suspected that the contract was acquired through foul play, the company's recent success with the builder, the Walrus, qualified it to develop their second XL sized ship. As one of the last ships to be developed in the Menelaus Era, the Orca saw its maiden voyage when it deployed from the Lucky Planets Shipyard in 798 (NT).

Menelaus Era ships were built between 785 (NT) and 798 (NT) as a second wave of more autonomous ships in preparation for the Jump Gate shutdowns. To reduce flight mass, the ships are mostly filled with air, requiring Boron crew to wear protective suits. The new Menelaus cabinet allowed corporations, working under a government contract, access to various classified technological advancements made by Royal Boron Military Defence research facilities. The ships designed with those technologies are less sturdy than the first wave of Atreus Era ships, but more manoeuvrable.

Ware price Min: 14,605,352, Avg: 17,596,810, Max: 20,588,268,
Ware type Ship
Ware subtype
Ware volume 1
Ware ID (for devs) ship_bor_xl_resupplier_01_a

Primary resources
Min Max
3738 x Energy Cells 37,380 37,380
15380 x Hull Parts 2,245,480 2,245,480
4560 x Water 145,920 145,920
Total 2,428,780 2,428,780
Production cycle
Cycle time 13 mins,
Batch size 1 units
Products per hour 4.6
Cycles per hour 4.6
Profit per hour
Min Avg Max
Primary only 56,199,563 70,006,292 83,813,022

Use in the creation of;
  • Unknown...

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