Nividium Cubes (ware)

Nividium Cubes are small cubes of pure Nividium, aka platinum, that are engraved and given as Teladi ritual lifetime keepsakes to new hatchlings by their parents. Nividium is a noble metal and so it remains untarnished. The basic cubes also have technical uses as catalysts for industrial chemical reactions used in production processes. Being relatively valuable and compact to store, the cubes are used for barter by several races and, in quantity, are smuggled by traders avoiding tariffs and cargo fees

Ware ID (for devs) nividiumgems
Ware price 85 to 116 credits (range: 31)
Ware type #bulk
Ware Volume 12


Used in

Primary resources Min Max
160 x Energy Cells 320 1,280
120 x Food Rations 2,880 3,960
200 x Nividium 5,800 7,800
Total 9,000 13,040

Secondary resources Min Max
10 x Narcotics 510 1,110
2 x Spacefuel 42 142
Total 552 1,252

Cycle time Value
Cycle time 5 mins,
Batch size 220 units
Products per hour 2,640.0
Cycles per hour 12.0

Profit per hour Min Avg Max
Primary only 67,920 132,360 198,240
Primary + Secondary 86,556 161,334 237,552