I wonder how you feel about things with egosoft and Rebirth?
were you hoping for more news by now? peed at waiting for something which you never know when it will be? do you feel it could be cancelled? just not worried at all - it will come out when it does? or happy how things are?
Its just that ive noticed a lot of locked posts on ego's rebirth board - like people are getting frustrated with the lack of info with it (I cant blame you to be honest). I created the rebirth site nearly 2 years ago!!, yet had very few things to post about it (most being things Ive created, 'trying' to make news).
I am personally worried about egosoft. They dont seem to be getting the community excited about rebirth: no news, no release date and a few things we dont like/unsure of (drones, one-player ship, removal of SETA, no control of capital ships etc). ..maybe you like these new changes?
So, how do you feel about things? Now things have settled. I guess im asking you guys to tell me how you feel, so I can work out how I feel. You guys are the fans, so let me/others know.
I do wonder if I forced ego to post about rebirth? has a few days before ego posted news of rebirth (a little too close), I posted a video saying 'goodbye to the x-universe'. However it was clearly no-where near the release date at that time. Surely that video cant of forced ego to post any news?
ps. feel free to talk about it here, I wont lock the thread but no harsh comments please.
Egosoft and Rebirth


Trueguey (22)


Cruguey (18)

Its looking more and more like vaporware to be honest. However if they are actually working on it they are taking their sweet time.
Personally I think they only recently started coding it. Perhaps within the last 2 years or so. Maybe they are waiting for new tech to come out or are having licencing issues. The complete lack of info (IMO) points to something bad going on. Then again the X team is extremely small and getting it just right takes a long time. I mean look at games like Super Meat Boy, two guys took around 18 months just for that. Can you imagine the X team creating a new X game from scratch using modern programs/APIs?
Also there is the issue of Linux. There is talk that all X games will be ported to Linux and Rebirth may require a lot of reworking to make it work properly. I am almost certain they were using Direct X for Rebirth and now have to switch to OpenGL, thats assuming they are that far into development to be programming graphics.
Whatever I guess, something will happen eventually. I gave up waiting a long time ago. I have the feeling that it will receive a lot of bad reviews by the X community when it does arrive because peoples expectations are simply way too high.
Personally I think they only recently started coding it. Perhaps within the last 2 years or so. Maybe they are waiting for new tech to come out or are having licencing issues. The complete lack of info (IMO) points to something bad going on. Then again the X team is extremely small and getting it just right takes a long time. I mean look at games like Super Meat Boy, two guys took around 18 months just for that. Can you imagine the X team creating a new X game from scratch using modern programs/APIs?
Also there is the issue of Linux. There is talk that all X games will be ported to Linux and Rebirth may require a lot of reworking to make it work properly. I am almost certain they were using Direct X for Rebirth and now have to switch to OpenGL, thats assuming they are that far into development to be programming graphics.
Whatever I guess, something will happen eventually. I gave up waiting a long time ago. I have the feeling that it will receive a lot of bad reviews by the X community when it does arrive because peoples expectations are simply way too high.

Trueguey (22)

Unfortunately your post makes a lot of sense to me, and many of the things you said could be true.
I dont reckon the coding started just 2 years ago, as I think they werent too far off when they announced it (that trailer showed in-game content?). However I do think something has came up forcing ego to do a lot of reworking, whether its do with the community reaction, the publisher forcing ego to change the game, or something else like you said linux support - who knows. However I do think its not do with the community, as so far they have been pretty much ignoring them (building something ego wants for mass sale). Ego emitted themselves, they want to make the game more accessible.
For the the bad-reviews, well this was a chance ego could have gone new path altogether. We could of have left the x-universe for a brand new place, with new races etc. I think most of us have explored the x-universe countless times now. Argon, Boron, Paranid etc. well been there, done that.
So its bound to get some harsh comments if its an x-game with removed features, and just better graphics.
I dont reckon the coding started just 2 years ago, as I think they werent too far off when they announced it (that trailer showed in-game content?). However I do think something has came up forcing ego to do a lot of reworking, whether its do with the community reaction, the publisher forcing ego to change the game, or something else like you said linux support - who knows. However I do think its not do with the community, as so far they have been pretty much ignoring them (building something ego wants for mass sale). Ego emitted themselves, they want to make the game more accessible.
For the the bad-reviews, well this was a chance ego could have gone new path altogether. We could of have left the x-universe for a brand new place, with new races etc. I think most of us have explored the x-universe countless times now. Argon, Boron, Paranid etc. well been there, done that.
So its bound to get some harsh comments if its an x-game with removed features, and just better graphics.

Markoguey (10)

I fully agree with You m8s, this silence is killin me (and I think most of us).
One of the reasons that it could be is that Ego made a game that will cause that X-Veterans will not buy the game. We all hope for "better game play" in new X. And all of us have "wish list" for Rebirth. But in my opinion some of this ideas are unresonable! (Ive readed on ego-forum request that boarding ops will couse to start FPS and player will run aboard enemy ship shooting to defending it marines or Mass Effect style wandering on station - for me ideas like this will ruin the game). And maby the Ego has picked one and now they realize is wasn't the best move so they need to "rebuild".
One of the nightmare for me (and I think there are more "me" out there) is that new X will be half-unplayable. And this nightmare situation will lead to expansive modding X3:TC/AP.
Maby here is not a right pleace for it but i think we should make RESONABLE WISH-LIST and help Ego. What i mean is We should think about what is the most important things to change/improve in X, and what thing should not change (often overlooked part of the wishlists).
First make a list, then vote the best requestes and ideas. Then sign it, and send to Ego.
When first time I saw "The new X is comming" i just hoped for few things: better AI (i dont want to see: Your *** was killed by a gate) more tactics (most of us now use fleets that dont include very small ships - why? they are unusable: they are killed by 1-4 hits or just collision with other object, it would be nice to have for example Discoverer Rider with "smart AI" that keep ship out of fight but if see ie: tomahavk missiles that target Your capital he runs and try to shot them off. All ships should have special tactical-ability; better graphics and performance: most of us have multicore cpu, lots of ram, and sli/xfire connected graphics - well i have - i wish that new x take good use of them; complicated plot and missions in mission - i think You all know what i mean) and this list should include (in my opinion) things not to change like: choice a ship that u commonuse and change it anytime you want... and more.
So in my opinion it would be better to get old x-game with some new features and better graphics + good start point to evolve, than (i dont want to offend anyone) made Console-friendly unplayabe (for x-vets) s***. And i fear that Ego just created one and now they dont know what to do...
And yes Roguey, i wish to see/read something new about Rebirth. And this silence is a bad sign.
One of the reasons that it could be is that Ego made a game that will cause that X-Veterans will not buy the game. We all hope for "better game play" in new X. And all of us have "wish list" for Rebirth. But in my opinion some of this ideas are unresonable! (Ive readed on ego-forum request that boarding ops will couse to start FPS and player will run aboard enemy ship shooting to defending it marines or Mass Effect style wandering on station - for me ideas like this will ruin the game). And maby the Ego has picked one and now they realize is wasn't the best move so they need to "rebuild".
One of the nightmare for me (and I think there are more "me" out there) is that new X will be half-unplayable. And this nightmare situation will lead to expansive modding X3:TC/AP.
Maby here is not a right pleace for it but i think we should make RESONABLE WISH-LIST and help Ego. What i mean is We should think about what is the most important things to change/improve in X, and what thing should not change (often overlooked part of the wishlists).
First make a list, then vote the best requestes and ideas. Then sign it, and send to Ego.
When first time I saw "The new X is comming" i just hoped for few things: better AI (i dont want to see: Your *** was killed by a gate) more tactics (most of us now use fleets that dont include very small ships - why? they are unusable: they are killed by 1-4 hits or just collision with other object, it would be nice to have for example Discoverer Rider with "smart AI" that keep ship out of fight but if see ie: tomahavk missiles that target Your capital he runs and try to shot them off. All ships should have special tactical-ability; better graphics and performance: most of us have multicore cpu, lots of ram, and sli/xfire connected graphics - well i have - i wish that new x take good use of them; complicated plot and missions in mission - i think You all know what i mean) and this list should include (in my opinion) things not to change like: choice a ship that u commonuse and change it anytime you want... and more.
So in my opinion it would be better to get old x-game with some new features and better graphics + good start point to evolve, than (i dont want to offend anyone) made Console-friendly unplayabe (for x-vets) s***. And i fear that Ego just created one and now they dont know what to do...
And yes Roguey, i wish to see/read something new about Rebirth. And this silence is a bad sign.
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me...

Rookiguey (4)

I think Egosoft is using the publisher agreements/contract/NDA as an excuse not to reveal more. There could be some positive reasons for that but it hard to ignore the negative possibilities too given the pattern of other PC titles in recent years and the fact X3:TC and X3:AP really did very little to address core gameplay problems since X3:R.
I have been in several international gaming communities over the years and EVERY single person I've spoken to without fail has critisized the X3 interface design and controls for fleet and property management. Most people want to own one or more capital class ships inc. carriers and have some decent level of strategic control over them along with the fighters and support vessels that come with a fleet.
No amount of:
- smart AI
- hand controller support
- compass menus
- remote VR control
- communication dialog
... is going to replace the need for a proper strategic interface when the player reaches that stage in the mid-late game. Unless they simply do away with fleet management all together! I personally think Egosoft have under estimated the importance and effort required to do this and have had to go back into the core game engine to get it working at the required level. They've probably wasted time and effort on RPG or FPS elements that aren't Egosofts strength and consequently aren't delivering the experience they envisaged.
I don't care about the release date, I wish to know that X Rebirth has a solution to well known gameplay and performance problems experienced in X3 and that the silence isn't a strategy of avoidance (as used by other developers/publishers).
I have been in several international gaming communities over the years and EVERY single person I've spoken to without fail has critisized the X3 interface design and controls for fleet and property management. Most people want to own one or more capital class ships inc. carriers and have some decent level of strategic control over them along with the fighters and support vessels that come with a fleet.
No amount of:
- smart AI
- hand controller support
- compass menus
- remote VR control
- communication dialog
... is going to replace the need for a proper strategic interface when the player reaches that stage in the mid-late game. Unless they simply do away with fleet management all together! I personally think Egosoft have under estimated the importance and effort required to do this and have had to go back into the core game engine to get it working at the required level. They've probably wasted time and effort on RPG or FPS elements that aren't Egosofts strength and consequently aren't delivering the experience they envisaged.
I don't care about the release date, I wish to know that X Rebirth has a solution to well known gameplay and performance problems experienced in X3 and that the silence isn't a strategy of avoidance (as used by other developers/publishers).

Trueguey (22)

Im glad to hear im not the only one feeling like this.
Im not too sure what to-do in the long-term. The site has wound-down some-what, as the x-games get older (which is understand-able) - people move onto new things. X3AP was fill-in before rebirth (although its been a rather long fill-in). For me this is giving me time to catch up with the PS3 (atm im finishing off Borderlands 2, just got to find Jimmy for platinum (100%)).
When ive finally caught back up with my PS3 gaming (which will be awhile), I will be back on steam a lot more (I dont see the point of moving to the PS4). If rebirth comes out soon, then my PS3 gaming will be reduced, but for now im just catching up (I think I got games from last xmas to finish).
However as the site ages the site visitors will lower, eventually into just a few. Take C&C community, this once was a massive community but now most sites struggle to get a few visitors. PlanetCNC was one of the flag-ship site, but now its now barely up-dated. I wont let that happen to this site. So I will need to support another game, I thought it would be rebirth (the x-games always been great, why I supported them) but like sixar said, its looking increasing like vaporware. Although ive been getting a little peed how little they grown over the years, there is a real lack of new game-play features added to them (sub-systems, missile bays, increased turrets, shield effects, online, neat complexes, component build ships, better AI, better sectors, etc.). Some of these could of been added easily (like sub-systems; in the scene file items could be flagged with a ID, for a sub-system). However we just keep getting just a few basic features (increased map size - bout time, although X3TC should have this feature too) and more ships, quests etc. Increasing hulls in X3AP was a step in the right direction, but spammy missiles werent. How much as really changed since X3 game-play wise?
So, Ive been keeping my eye out for a game to support. Some have been close but not quite enough:
- Diablo 3 (good at the time, but too much grinding),
- Guild Wars 2 (great whilst leveling up-to 80, but after much grinding for legendary items, little armour choice),
- Gran Turismo 5 (it was great until they asked you to do stupid races: 24hr real-time etc.)
- Borderlands 2 (one of the better games ive played recently, but once done its kind done),
- GTA5? (looks great but not sure if its going to be on steam any-time soon),
- Last of us? (grown up uncharted?),
Well.. see how things go, hopefully that explains my side of things to you and why im asking about your feelings. I guess one thing this site can do easily, support what-ever games it likes as we not tied to any particular company/series/title. I never entered into any NDA or so with ego. However whatever happens I hope you guys will keep coming back, has it would be a great lost to loose any of you (after all the time its took to build up the site). Hopefully we can find a game we all like, if rebirth is a dud.
Im not too sure what to-do in the long-term. The site has wound-down some-what, as the x-games get older (which is understand-able) - people move onto new things. X3AP was fill-in before rebirth (although its been a rather long fill-in). For me this is giving me time to catch up with the PS3 (atm im finishing off Borderlands 2, just got to find Jimmy for platinum (100%)).
When ive finally caught back up with my PS3 gaming (which will be awhile), I will be back on steam a lot more (I dont see the point of moving to the PS4). If rebirth comes out soon, then my PS3 gaming will be reduced, but for now im just catching up (I think I got games from last xmas to finish).
However as the site ages the site visitors will lower, eventually into just a few. Take C&C community, this once was a massive community but now most sites struggle to get a few visitors. PlanetCNC was one of the flag-ship site, but now its now barely up-dated. I wont let that happen to this site. So I will need to support another game, I thought it would be rebirth (the x-games always been great, why I supported them) but like sixar said, its looking increasing like vaporware. Although ive been getting a little peed how little they grown over the years, there is a real lack of new game-play features added to them (sub-systems, missile bays, increased turrets, shield effects, online, neat complexes, component build ships, better AI, better sectors, etc.). Some of these could of been added easily (like sub-systems; in the scene file items could be flagged with a ID, for a sub-system). However we just keep getting just a few basic features (increased map size - bout time, although X3TC should have this feature too) and more ships, quests etc. Increasing hulls in X3AP was a step in the right direction, but spammy missiles werent. How much as really changed since X3 game-play wise?
So, Ive been keeping my eye out for a game to support. Some have been close but not quite enough:
- Diablo 3 (good at the time, but too much grinding),
- Guild Wars 2 (great whilst leveling up-to 80, but after much grinding for legendary items, little armour choice),
- Gran Turismo 5 (it was great until they asked you to do stupid races: 24hr real-time etc.)
- Borderlands 2 (one of the better games ive played recently, but once done its kind done),
- GTA5? (looks great but not sure if its going to be on steam any-time soon),
- Last of us? (grown up uncharted?),
Well.. see how things go, hopefully that explains my side of things to you and why im asking about your feelings. I guess one thing this site can do easily, support what-ever games it likes as we not tied to any particular company/series/title. I never entered into any NDA or so with ego. However whatever happens I hope you guys will keep coming back, has it would be a great lost to loose any of you (after all the time its took to build up the site). Hopefully we can find a game we all like, if rebirth is a dud.

Instruguey (13)

Could someone tell me just one space pc-game that competes Ego's games? as I preferred Ego for this type of games.
Also one thing about X-Rebirth, what about the 12+ ESRB? any comments? I don't understand why it couldn't be something like 17+. Does this matters?
And for the delay of Rebirth, may be...,
As you said the graphics of rebirth seems much detailed than previous games, the game style is much different (drones, one-player ship, etc), game subroutines are much enhanced as it supposed to be (like evading collision algorithms and AI simulation), and more physics, plus the entirely new graphics engine, is what taking too long to develop the new X-Rebirth. Also it seems that Rebirth is still under heavy testing so as to eliminate any possible bugs, as this is one of the reasons (I think) why it is named 'Rebirth', no more annoying bugs, those may have destroyed what the game could achieve if there weren't any.
You know how much challenging developing a modern graphics engine is. And note that X3:Reunion, X3-TC and X3-AP are all developed using the same engine, thats about 5 years for one g-engine, while I can imagine the game after Rebirth (if any) would be created using the same engine as the one used for Rebirth, so it make sense, may be, why all this time...
Still..., I think it will be a great space simulation game from Ego...
Also one thing about X-Rebirth, what about the 12+ ESRB? any comments? I don't understand why it couldn't be something like 17+. Does this matters?
And for the delay of Rebirth, may be...,
As you said the graphics of rebirth seems much detailed than previous games, the game style is much different (drones, one-player ship, etc), game subroutines are much enhanced as it supposed to be (like evading collision algorithms and AI simulation), and more physics, plus the entirely new graphics engine, is what taking too long to develop the new X-Rebirth. Also it seems that Rebirth is still under heavy testing so as to eliminate any possible bugs, as this is one of the reasons (I think) why it is named 'Rebirth', no more annoying bugs, those may have destroyed what the game could achieve if there weren't any.
You know how much challenging developing a modern graphics engine is. And note that X3:Reunion, X3-TC and X3-AP are all developed using the same engine, thats about 5 years for one g-engine, while I can imagine the game after Rebirth (if any) would be created using the same engine as the one used for Rebirth, so it make sense, may be, why all this time...
Still..., I think it will be a great space simulation game from Ego...

It does not matter what we were in the past but what we are now, what we do and what we are going to be, our destiny.

Trueguey (22)

Well I do hope youre right Raptor, although it hasnt helped that ego announced such ground-changing features (which make it completely different to other x-games) yet not really documenting them at all (no news). For example, they said they have removed SETA however what do you we have to replace it - 'space-roads'?
SETA is/was a major part of the x-games; something everyone uses, since the first x. Without SETA are we going to be sitting on the PC for 30mins with nothing happening? before we just 'whisk' time on and get to the fun part. SETA was so useful in so many situations: watching complexes, getting to places etc. Although I do understand that SETA caused problems, 1000's of ships having to move at x6, x10 faster than normal.
However, what do we have to replace SETA? 'space-lanes'? spaceships should be able to travel where-ever they like, after-all they are space-ships and not cars. I understand how ego wants to 'force' ships together, to allow more interaction between ships. However this could be seen has another 'dumbing down' by ego, creating a game for the mass. It will be easer for the masses to relate to Grand Theft Auto - roads are something to follow rather than having the freedom of space. However for x-fans, the x-games was never supposed to be like GTA (with roads) but a space-sim (go where you like, when you want: freedom). Sectors were/are kind-of a limitation because of the technology didnt allow one large area.
As for ESRB ratings, I do think they are mostly a joke. Its okay to run-over people, drive cars or to shot people: as long as there is no blood. However the act of shooting someone, beating someone up, or driving a car is fine... but add blood then its a 18+. Gran Turismo has a 3+ - stupid eh?
SETA is/was a major part of the x-games; something everyone uses, since the first x. Without SETA are we going to be sitting on the PC for 30mins with nothing happening? before we just 'whisk' time on and get to the fun part. SETA was so useful in so many situations: watching complexes, getting to places etc. Although I do understand that SETA caused problems, 1000's of ships having to move at x6, x10 faster than normal.
However, what do we have to replace SETA? 'space-lanes'? spaceships should be able to travel where-ever they like, after-all they are space-ships and not cars. I understand how ego wants to 'force' ships together, to allow more interaction between ships. However this could be seen has another 'dumbing down' by ego, creating a game for the mass. It will be easer for the masses to relate to Grand Theft Auto - roads are something to follow rather than having the freedom of space. However for x-fans, the x-games was never supposed to be like GTA (with roads) but a space-sim (go where you like, when you want: freedom). Sectors were/are kind-of a limitation because of the technology didnt allow one large area.
As for ESRB ratings, I do think they are mostly a joke. Its okay to run-over people, drive cars or to shot people: as long as there is no blood. However the act of shooting someone, beating someone up, or driving a car is fine... but add blood then its a 18+. Gran Turismo has a 3+ - stupid eh?

Skillguey (7)

Hiya Roguey & Peeps,
Yes, I is still alive Roguey, just lurking in the background as per usual...
Now that I've got that out of the way, thought you guys might be interested in this thread I found over on the ES (EgoSoft) site's Rebirth forum: http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=334512 (it contains a series of vids dealing with the guys making stuff for Rebirth such as how they make sun's, etc...)
**EDIT** Actually, it only contains two (2) vids, the 1st is the making of a sun in Rebirth & the second features some gameplay/debug footage.. **END EDIT**
Cheers & Thranx

Yes, I is still alive Roguey, just lurking in the background as per usual...

Now that I've got that out of the way, thought you guys might be interested in this thread I found over on the ES (EgoSoft) site's Rebirth forum: http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=334512 (it contains a series of vids dealing with the guys making stuff for Rebirth such as how they make sun's, etc...)
**EDIT** Actually, it only contains two (2) vids, the 1st is the making of a sun in Rebirth & the second features some gameplay/debug footage.. **END EDIT**
Cheers & Thranx
change without Subject to notice....
watch this space... (<-- --> this one, not that one.. --> <--


Trueguey (22)

thanks for letting me know nova, ive posted news about the videos on the rebirth site. finally something..
hopefully this isnt it for another year
hopefully this isnt it for another year


Instruguey (13)

That means they are still developing new stuff, not finishing yet, but believe me, we want it much better than before more than we want it so soon, don't we? again, much better graphics/effects, AI/NPC intelligence and interaction, much better building factories/complexes, combat, exploring, plot/missions ... etc, am I right? and please do you think there is any "Space Simulation PC-Game" that competes Ego's next game, Rebirth?
And thanks again Roguey for the "X-Rebirth site"...
And thanks again Roguey for the "X-Rebirth site"...

It does not matter what we were in the past but what we are now, what we do and what we are going to be, our destiny.

Trueguey (22)

hmm.. when watching them videos did anyone else feel that they could of been recorded awhile back? maybe just me.
in the script video, that reminded me of how Quake 2 used to work. ie. you used visual studio to make a DLL for the the game.
I wonder what made ego post the videos - are ego checking out what people are saying?
in the script video, that reminded me of how Quake 2 used to work. ie. you used visual studio to make a DLL for the the game.
I wonder what made ego post the videos - are ego checking out what people are saying?

Markoguey (10)

First, for sake of us all, I hope I was wrong in my last post
Al last some "news", but I agree with Roguey: "when watching them videos did anyone else feel that they could of been recorded awhile back", indeed I feel exacly that that way! And more, lets hope that this "news" isn't the hottest ones, becouse if they are we will wait for release much longer than we thought.
Anyway its good to hear from Ego about Rebirth dont You agree? (personaly this Ego-Silence was killin me)
"I wonder what made ego post the videos - are ego checking out what people are saying?"
I think that Ego is checking how much active x-players are out there now waiting for X:R. Because of very long waiting for Rebirth to come, some of them (Us) found other titles. Maby thay want to determine release-date

Al last some "news", but I agree with Roguey: "when watching them videos did anyone else feel that they could of been recorded awhile back", indeed I feel exacly that that way! And more, lets hope that this "news" isn't the hottest ones, becouse if they are we will wait for release much longer than we thought.
Anyway its good to hear from Ego about Rebirth dont You agree? (personaly this Ego-Silence was killin me)
"I wonder what made ego post the videos - are ego checking out what people are saying?"
I think that Ego is checking how much active x-players are out there now waiting for X:R. Because of very long waiting for Rebirth to come, some of them (Us) found other titles. Maby thay want to determine release-date

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me...

Proguey (12)

Hi, I am also one that believes this game is woefully behind schedule and may never be completed.
I saw the videos and I am scared. Looks like more flash, less substance. Although there is little to go on.
I also think there is no chance of this game coming out in the next year since that progress is very lacking for the time they have invested and now they are asking for customer ideas for basic design options...
Anyways, good to be here, getting tired of fighting the mods on ego's forums.
I saw the videos and I am scared. Looks like more flash, less substance. Although there is little to go on.
I also think there is no chance of this game coming out in the next year since that progress is very lacking for the time they have invested and now they are asking for customer ideas for basic design options...
Anyways, good to be here, getting tired of fighting the mods on ego's forums.

Trueguey (22)

Indeed, its good to hear from egosoft, but I too wonder how far they actually are. I mean one of the video shows in-game content (large battle scene), another about creating suns. I wouldnt of thought egosoft would be still mucking around with planets/suns by now? Surely that should be done by now?

Markoguey (10)

Personaly I think that Ego will complete the game. My concerns are about essence of new X. Will it be as much playable and complex like X3:TC/AP is. This is all becouse 1 ship for player to fly, no active jumpgates, simplified controls etc... I really dont want to see Mass Effect in X world.
Well maby this news-stuff is mixed, recorded some time ago. But if thats true, why Ego dont want to reveal real "progress-bar"? Maby they want to keep it secret until all game things are finished. After watching this intervievs I had a feeling that each one was recorded in diffrent time.
Well maby this news-stuff is mixed, recorded some time ago. But if thats true, why Ego dont want to reveal real "progress-bar"? Maby they want to keep it secret until all game things are finished. After watching this intervievs I had a feeling that each one was recorded in diffrent time.
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me...
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