I have confidence when this game's released it's going to kick ass. Or atleast I'm trying to stay hopeful it will. But I think you guys are correct. They are so far off from release still, it's not even funny. Makes me realise when CBJ said a little while back they expect 2013 release he wasn't even sure about it.
Roguey what makes you say they haven't finalized the storyline yet?
Feel like just completely abandoning this game.
Egosoft and Rebirth


Fightguey (6)


Trueguey (22)

Could the project simply be too overwhelming for them? im starting to think so.
well, Helge said in the german youtube video that parts of the x-novel where unfinished (second video here). I guess they write a novel for the game, then add the story to the game. If it was just a separate thing, the novel, then I guess it wouldnt be covered by a development video?
Roguey what makes you say they haven't finalized the storyline yet?
well, Helge said in the german youtube video that parts of the x-novel where unfinished (second video here). I guess they write a novel for the game, then add the story to the game. If it was just a separate thing, the novel, then I guess it wouldnt be covered by a development video?

Proguey (12)

Actually I think I see a major problem for them.
They are making the game 32bit and DX9c with SM3 support. Problem is, Windows 8 dropped DX9 support and AMD/ATI no longer supports DX9 in their drivers and the next graphics card release won't support it hardware wise at all.
So they are already about 30% performance hit right there and not going to take advantage of large memory users. DX9 also is crap when scaling across multiple cores.
SO they have a game that is built on outdated architecture that is going to have no support in about 12 months... which is why you don't take this long to make a game.
They might have to recode... they might decide to drop the project... The things I am hearing from Egosoft are not good. I still think they are trying to port this to consoles... why else the die hard 32bit/DX9 approach?
They are making the game 32bit and DX9c with SM3 support. Problem is, Windows 8 dropped DX9 support and AMD/ATI no longer supports DX9 in their drivers and the next graphics card release won't support it hardware wise at all.
So they are already about 30% performance hit right there and not going to take advantage of large memory users. DX9 also is crap when scaling across multiple cores.
SO they have a game that is built on outdated architecture that is going to have no support in about 12 months... which is why you don't take this long to make a game.
They might have to recode... they might decide to drop the project... The things I am hearing from Egosoft are not good. I still think they are trying to port this to consoles... why else the die hard 32bit/DX9 approach?

Instruguey (13)

Windows 8 dropped DX9 support and AMD/ATI no longer supports DX9 in their drivers
- BarrenEarth
- BarrenEarth
Hello there BarrenEarth, is this really true?! I mean how do you know that?

But true that Rebirth already took too much time, it should have been released at least few months ago.
My guess for that delay is:
- Performance: the more they add/improve/update the game the more they need to recheck the overall performance of the game on different machines to see how much impact on performance these new changes do for those different machines.
- Compatibility: as you already know they trying to make the game run on (compatible with) as much wider variety of machines as possible
(you know why

- The New Graphics-Engine: I believe that developing an entirely new & different engine is indeed one of the most aspects that have taken much time so far.
It does not matter what we were in the past but what we are now, what we do and what we are going to be, our destiny.

Proguey (12)

AMD announced they were dropping DX9 support for Windows 7 years ago since Windows 7 doesn't technically natively support it either. DX9 cannot utilize the memory optimizations in Win 7.
Yes I understand that they want to make it compatible with everyone's computer, but they are designing an engine from scratch for use in future games... why limit themselves and code for DX9 and 32 bit that won't be really around in 5 years.
Yes I understand that they want to make it compatible with everyone's computer, but they are designing an engine from scratch for use in future games... why limit themselves and code for DX9 and 32 bit that won't be really around in 5 years.

Instruguey (13)

I'm not sure but I think that the problem is not in the DX9 as any machine running a newer version of DirectX could normally run a game/app created using DX9, but the problem (I think) might be in the 32-bit, and you know 64-bit support can definitely increase performance.
However the new engine seems to support multi-core features and we hope this will efficiently enhance the performance of the game.
However the new engine seems to support multi-core features and we hope this will efficiently enhance the performance of the game.
It does not matter what we were in the past but what we are now, what we do and what we are going to be, our destiny.

Proguey (12)

Raptor the problem is DX9 cannot use the benefits of Win 7 and Win 8. DX9 also does not do multi-thread support for graphics...
Now the game engine itself might be optimised to use Win 7 memory management and a 100 cores, but the graphics engine they are making is completely out of date already.
Now the game engine itself might be optimised to use Win 7 memory management and a 100 cores, but the graphics engine they are making is completely out of date already.

Instruguey (13)

but the graphics engine they are making is completely out of date already
If they are creating the game using a newer version of DirectX than DX9c, then users using DX9c and older (and many X-Universe community are) won't be able (I think) to play X Rebirth!
As they said, the game should be available not only to new users and the ones with high-end machines but also most (if not all) of the old community fans and the ones with older machines, yeah?

It does not matter what we were in the past but what we are now, what we do and what we are going to be, our destiny.

Proguey (12)

No No No, they can do both... They can make a 32bit and a 64bit version and a DX9 and DX11 version.
But they have to code specifically to do that. Instead they are using old and outdated methods and making it strictly 32bit and DX9.
It looks more like they are patching the old Reunion engine and calling it something else... while denying that they are doing that. And taking a hell of a long time in the process.
But they have to code specifically to do that. Instead they are using old and outdated methods and making it strictly 32bit and DX9.
It looks more like they are patching the old Reunion engine and calling it something else... while denying that they are doing that. And taking a hell of a long time in the process.

Instruguey (13)

They can make a 32bit and a 64bit version and a DX9 and DX11 version.
Yes right, but it could take additional time, I guess they will do that later? Maybe

Another quite similar situation is the one player ship, why one ship? later either mods or next game will add more player ships, I guess.
It looks more like they are patching the old Reunion engine and calling it something else...
Compare the graphics of X3 and X Rebirth (the reveal trailer), for me I see much difference man

It does not matter what we were in the past but what we are now, what we do and what we are going to be, our destiny.

Proguey (12)

Yeah, the new graphics actually kinda suck and look raw... too much like Dark Star One.
Seriously, Rebirth looks just like Dark Star One to be honest.
Seriously, Rebirth looks just like Dark Star One to be honest.

Trueguey (22)

Sorry to sound dumb but how come you think/know that the new engine will be designed around dx9? This is something to do with shader model 3?

Instruguey (13)

Hey Roguey while most of us worried about SETA (and we talk before about sectors and the 'one large area' space), here is the good news:
Navigation and Universe Design
I agree with Ego's 'Navigation and Universe Design' by the way
And as for the new engine, DirectX version and multi-core support, take a look at System Requirements
Navigation and Universe Design
I agree with Ego's 'Navigation and Universe Design' by the way

And as for the new engine, DirectX version and multi-core support, take a look at System Requirements
It does not matter what we were in the past but what we are now, what we do and what we are going to be, our destiny.

Proguey (12)

Sorry to sound dumb but how come you think/know that the new engine will be designed around dx9? This is something to do with shader model 3?
- Roguey
- Roguey
It was in a couple posts by Bernd and CBJ, also on their system tech sticky... and they already stated they were not interested in making either a 64bit or a DX11 version of this game but wouldn't rule out future games on future engines.
Basically, we are getting a game that will look like it was made for Windows XP and the next couple on the same engine will as well.

Proguey (12)

This is the answer, from the 2011 thread on "why developers still make games for DX9"
Before anyone says the same crap that they are saying on ES forums, realize that there isn't one graphics card out today that can run Windows 8 that doesn't support DX10+
DX10 support started with the HD2XXX series and Nvidia 8XXXX series. That was a long time ago. DX9 is 11 years old last month. I know hard drives that don't last that long.
TLDR, Console ports are the only reason to hard code DX9 and 32bit games today. Or amateur developers who have not learned to write modern code.
This is the answer, from the 2011 thread on "why developers still make games for DX9"
Before anyone says the same crap that they are saying on ES forums, realize that there isn't one graphics card out today that can run Windows 8 that doesn't support DX10+
DX10 support started with the HD2XXX series and Nvidia 8XXXX series. That was a long time ago. DX9 is 11 years old last month. I know hard drives that don't last that long.
TLDR, Console ports are the only reason to hard code DX9 and 32bit games today. Or amateur developers who have not learned to write modern code.
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