I hate modding as much as I hate bugs, one perfected game selling at 25$ that 10,000 one would buy -is much better than three hollow (need heavy modding) and buggy (need many fixes) games selling at 15$ each but only 5,000 (average) would buy them. Doesn't ES know that?
Instead of modding, what's the wrong with DLCs?
What do you think of X Rebirth?
Board Index » X: Rebirth » What do you think of X Rebirth?
Instruguey (13)
Instruguey (13)
It does not matter what we were in the past but what we are now, what we do and what we are going to be, our destiny.
Trueguey (22)
Trueguey (22)
Yea, I agree with Kirlack, although in a way it shows you how passionate the fans are. I guess egosoft havnt helped by the lack of exciting news posts (although I think egosoft are more worried about the game release, I guess ego are heading for the last sprint). For me, I think if I wasnt in the NDA I would be pulling my hair out in frustration. You guys (the public/fans) have had a rough time - a lot of waiting, with only odd bits of information. I dont think youre need 6 months to see what happens, cos in a 1 month we should see what happens.
I also want to point out that, I do not know everything about the game - there is quite I dont know, although I cant actually say what that is either. Is X-R going to be another sequel to X3AP? no its very much different!
well... only a month to go now.
I also want to point out that, I do not know everything about the game - there is quite I dont know, although I cant actually say what that is either. Is X-R going to be another sequel to X3AP? no its very much different!
well... only a month to go now.
Proguey (12)
Proguey (12)
Everything we need to know before release. Including but not limited to the number of Solar Systems, sectors and zones along with a critical reception of menus and hot-keys and revelation of a mandatory 15 hour plot.
I believe the translation is an advanced Beta state not yet ready for release.
Everything we need to know before release. Including but not limited to the number of Solar Systems, sectors and zones along with a critical reception of menus and hot-keys and revelation of a mandatory 15 hour plot.
I believe the translation is an advanced Beta state not yet ready for release.
Proguey (12)
Proguey (12)
I am sorry, but every game that needs MODs to be good and playable is bad. Why should I spend money on something with a slight hope that features I like may be added by a modder? I was not sure if I will buy the game or not. But this article definitely persuaded me it would a waste of money. This is a step about 10 years back and I am really sorry Egosoft has not realized that. Well time to move on, Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous are still waiting for me.
- Mod Plynak
This thread is going places. Remember when I said there was going to be a crapstorm on November 15th... I was wrong by 21 days.
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