Paranid Space Jewellery M (Food)

factory picture
These factories produce the precious material known as Majaglit that is greatly in demand throughout the universe for use as ornamentation, jewellery and in the production of microchips. These factories import the raw shells of the Maja Snail which they crush and process using a combination of BoGas and Rastar to produce the Majaglit.

Station ID SS_FAC_F247
Race owner Paranid Paranid
Station price 1,181,483
Cargo space 9,000 (ST)

Majaglit production
Ware Min Avg Max
30 x Energy Cells 12 16 20
4 x Maja Snails 90 156 222
Totals : 0.7K 1.1K 1.5K
Ware Min Avg Max
40 x Majaglit 9 37 65
Totals : 0.4K 1.5K 2.6K
Cycle Time
: 1 min
: 60
: 2400 units
Min Profit/Hour
Avg Profit/Hour
Max Profit/Hour
: -67,680 credits
: 22,560 credits
: 112,800 credits

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