Refined Metals (ware)

Refined from ore found in countless asteroids across the Jump Gate network, these refined metals are cheap to produce and easy to reinforce, making them perfect for use in constructing all kinds of Hull Parts, not just for ships and stations, but also for smaller components that used across all of space.

Ware price Min: 89, Avg: 148, Max: 207,
Ware type Container
Ware subtype Refined
Ware volume 14
Ware ID (for devs) refinedmetals

Primary resources
Min Max
90 x Energy Cells 900 900
240 x Ore 10,320 10,320
Total 11,220 11,220
Production cycle
Cycle time 2 mins, 30 seconds,
Batch size 88 units
Products per hour 2,112.0
Cycles per hour 24.0
Profit per hour
Min Avg Max
Primary only -81,312 43,296 167,904

Use in the creation of;

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