Baldric (ware)

The Baldric transporter has long been a staple of the Terran economy. The newest iteration allows for greater modularity and more extensive modification options, and adjusts the design to be more in-line with the Terran Protectorate's modern aesthetic. It also adds an extra turret to make it a less attractive target for pirate raids, and to ensure that no wares critical to the Terran war effort are lost in transit.

Ware price Min: 624,206, Avg: 734,360, Max: 844,514,
Ware type Ship
Ware subtype
Ware volume 1
Ware ID (for devs) ship_ter_m_trans_container_01_a

Primary resources
Min Max
17 x Computronic Substrate 126,684 126,684
157 x Energy Cells 1,570 1,570
72 x Metallic Microlattice 3,024 3,024
Total 131,278 131,278
Production cycle
Cycle time 28 seconds,
Batch size 1 units
Products per hour 128.6
Cycles per hour 128.6
Profit per hour
Min Avg Max
Primary only 63,376,457 77,539,114 91,701,771

Use in the creation of;
  • Unknown...

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