Computronic Substrate (ware)

Computronic Substrate is the advanced Terran version of programmable matter. The "atoms" forming the Substrate can mimic virtually all other elements and particles, natural or artificial. This incredible feat, and its wide-spread application, is what makes modern Terran station and ship designs possible.

Ware price Min: 7,452, Avg: 8,280, Max: 9,108,
Ware type Container
Ware subtype Hightech
Ware volume 50
Ware ID (for devs) computronicsubstrate

Primary resources
Min Max
4000 x Energy Cells 40,000 40,000
2000 x Hydrogen 98,000 98,000
3000 x Ore 129,000 129,000
3000 x Silicon 333,000 333,000
Total 600,000 600,000
Production cycle
Cycle time 10 mins,
Batch size 98 units
Products per hour 588.0
Cycles per hour 6.0
Profit per hour
Min Avg Max
Primary only 781,776 1,268,640 1,755,504

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