ATF XL Main Battery (ware)

When he first proposed the concept of a fusion beam cannon for the Asgard XL Main Battery, Dr Diego Kinjo was told he was insane. Even within the extreme militaristic chambers of the ATF, the idea of a station obliterating "supergun" was considered laughable, largely due to the cost of one prototype being sufficient to build and equip a fleet of destroyers.

Kinjo's disappearance was thought to be the end of the matter until, some years later, the prototype and blueprints were delivered to ATF HQ. While it is obvious that a mysterious benefactor took on the responsibility of funding Dr Kinjo's work, to date, no-one has claimed responsibility for this.

Neither has Kinjo been seen again. Speculation persists that his knowledge was just too valuable to fall into the hands of an enemy. It is likely that the visionary engineer was kept confined thereafter, or met with an unfortunate end.

Ware price Min: 7,888,918, Avg: 8,765,465, Max: 9,642,011,
Ware type Equipment
Ware subtype Weapons
Ware volume 1
Ware ID (for devs) weapon_atf_xl_battleship_01_mk1

Primary resources
Min Max
373 x Computronic Substrate 2,779,596 2,779,596
1000 x Energy Cells 10,000 10,000
1862 x Metallic Microlattice 78,204 78,204
322 x Silicon Carbide 387,044 387,044
Total 3,254,844 3,254,844
Production cycle
Cycle time 10 seconds,
Batch size 1 units
Products per hour 360.0
Cycles per hour 360.0
Profit per hour
Min Avg Max
Primary only 1,668,266,640 1,983,823,560 2,299,380,120

Use in the creation of;
  • Unknown...

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