Have you pre-ordered Rebirth?

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Hammerit avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 11 years ago.

Holy crap, in the One ship poll thread a question was asked if you would pay for an expansion that added more than one playable ship. A mod, an ES mod, who is probably about to lose his privileges just posted this:

I woted no. Why would I pay for something that should be in the game for the first place? That said I have decided not to buy Rebirth at all.

I am warning you guys still on that site, it is going to devolve into a blood bath in about 9 weeks.
- BarrenEarth

I haven't posted a word on their site ever since some idiot mod insulted me and then had me banned temporarily for trying to report him for it. I'd rather not know what criteria egosoft uses to recruit new mods because it probably involves blood sacrifices and vegan food.

Nice to know at least one of them actually got a pair. Maybe there's some hope left after all.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

Thats actually quite funny; seeing a mod post that on the official forums. As you said, I could see him losing his mod status for that comment. I wonder if hes part of DevNet, although im guessing not..

as for the temp-ban Hammerit, that sounds harsh. Was there nothing you were leaving out? does sound like the ES did go through a time where some rogue mods where about.

ps. good to see the poll with a few votes, although doesnt look like the ratio has changed much. I guess theres a little more percentage towards to yes, but it hasnt changed that much.


Hammerit avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 11 years ago.

Let's not kid ourselves Star citizen will win the race, because they've got the lamp!

@Roguey: it's a bit weird that the poll still shows vote buttons even after one has already voted, because all they get the user is a message that he's already voted.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

Let's not kid ourselves Star citizen will win the race, because they've got the lamp!

It does seem that way, the only thing so far that has worried me some-what with SC is the fact it seems to be amount money atm. You may think; thats crazy? however I cant not think the Hanger module wasnt created so people buy new ships, so they can look at them. Why cant I have a look at the other ships in the game? All over the SC site now, its listing ships has prices.

@Roguey: it's a bit weird that the poll still shows vote buttons even after one has already voted, because all they get the user is a message that he's already voted.

Ah, there is a simple reason for this. When the poll is added, it simply places the html for it (so at the time it doesnt know if you voted or not). However to add a check, would mean every-time the poll is loaded it would have to do a SQL query to see if you have voted. This query would have to be done for every poll, for every single page-view.

So if there are two polls on a page, which get viewed say 100 times a day - thats 200 extra SQL queries.

I thought ill save some server resources, and changed it so it only checks when you try and cast a vote (which saves a lot of SQL queries).


BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 11 years ago.

Indeed SC will win because it was idea driven by a brillant man and sculpted by the wishes of those who are going to play. Even at pre-donation numbers alone they have already sold more copies than Rebirth will ever sell. Give it another year and they will eclipse the entire sales total of every game Egosoft has sold combined.

And please, do not think Egosoft is that altruistic, they have been living on bread crumbs for a while and Rebirth is probably just barely going to fill the pot back up again. Bernd has already said he doesn't like paid for DLC, but with the steam model it is inevitable. So you really want the new Titan XL (made up name) super carrier in your game, that will be 5.99 please. Sad

Of the two, I would rather spend extra cash on DLC for something that is in a persistent universe, and RSI can always sell server space to make up for revenues later. Also since SC is designed to run on your own private server, like minecraft, the potential for revenues outside traditional pay to win models is extreme.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

Even at pre-donation numbers alone they have already sold more copies than Rebirth will ever sell.

I never thought of it like that; ie. donations vs sold copies. I guess SC at $18mil mark would be a lot of copies of the game sold), unlike the egosoft model were need to sell the game for money (i guess pre-order crosses the bridge a little).

they have been living on bread crumbs for a while and Rebirth is probably just barely going to fill the pot back up again

It does seem that way, its been ages since we had full-game release. No doubtfully X3AP was a pot-filler but 7 years to develop Rebirth? No idea how that can be funded, and all the more reason why Rebirth needs to be an success. I think if its a failure, then we can say goodbye to egosoft. I dont know all the ins and outs although, but regardless it would be a shame to lose egosoft (since all the great games over the years).


Hammerit avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 11 years ago.

No doubtfully X3AP was a pot-filler but 7 years to develop Rebirth? No idea how that can be funded, and all the more reason why Rebirth needs to be an success. I think if its a failure, then we can say goodbye to egosoft. I dont know all the ins and outs although, but regardless it would be a shame to lose egosoft (since all the great games over the years).
- Roguey

The more pressing question is what the heck did they do in all that time? With a halfway experienced dev crew of ~20, a somewhat clear vision and an experienced management a game like Rebirth shouldn't take longer than 3 years to make (<1 year prototyping, 2 years production + polishing). Especially considering how many games they've already made for the exact same genre. Sure they changed the formula a bit. But it's not like they had to reinvent the jump drive to make it work or go through experimental drug trial and approval procedures.


AlphanInfidel avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 11 years ago.

Being without the benefit of programming experience makes it even more mystifying, as one would imagine they (Egosoft) knew what they wanted at the outset. Maybe having decided to make some fundamental changes could have meant they needed their customer base to upgrade/change their machines. Surely if a project drags on beyond a projected timescale additional external complications arise e.g. the competitors improve .... technology changes ..... and the fanbase may drift away. I may be living in a deluded fantasy, but, as processor speeds have not increased as rapidly as previously, I think a game that utilised multi-threading for a 32 bit machine would have had a bigger available customer base several years ago than is available for 64 bit OS now. (I've known loads of people with; multi-core CPUs-good graphics cards-4GB memory, for absolutely AGES.)

I am an Alien!

BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 11 years ago.

I think alphan kinda touched on it a little bit. Egosoft is a smaller company that started development at a serious crossroads of technology. Windows 7 was on the horizon, 64bit OS was relatively new and something people with servers used, not every day users. 7 years ago we had quad cores, but they weren't real quads yet.

But I think half the battle of software development is the story, the background, the concept... that was already done because like it or not this is X4. So 7 years means they spent a majority of their time on the engines, complete rework. I bet a large portion of their time was spent building engines that could be used on next generation consoles, and building them without knowing the details of those consoles was a big mistake.

So two years ago when they thought they were done the details of the XB1 and PS4 architecture came out to development entities... and they had to rework their engines, this broke the game code, so they had to rework that too.

Now half the things they thought they could implement they can't or won't until a future patch, and we have development times past that of Starcraft 2.

Also curious to note, that at the beginning of the year when I said on the forums they were not to Alpha testing yet, CBJ profusely denied this and claimed they were in Beta Testing, that was a giant lie. As far as I know, Beta testing of the ENTIRE game has not yet occurred and only feature and limited testing parts of the game have occurred. I fear for the state of a game that is supposed to be THIS large but has less than 2 months beta testing of the completed work.


BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 11 years ago.

Really? And how do you know what I and others used to fly? And who are you to tell us what we do or do not need? I for once have never flown a Springblossom or Hyperion. Why? Because I did not like them. But I know it may come as a surprise to you, but there were many other ships I could chose from.
Not to mention you contradict yourself. There can not be an amazing experience flying just one ship. At least for me. And according to reactions, for many others as well.
And to be honest, a game that needs modders to fix it is anything but good.

A mod posting again in a thread, with nothing good to say about Rebirth... My god, its like they are being eaten from within now LOL


Hammerit avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 11 years ago.

Especially the last point is very valid. A lot of the stuff that's improved playability in the games over time actually came from modders.

That's one of the reasons why I'm not sure they've got what it takes to make their plans for Rebirth work. The players the X series was targeting are rather easily reconcilable and usually accept putting a little work or time into achieving something. Rebirth mostly aims at a much simpler crowd. With that target audience you get one shot at making a good first impression. If you mess it up it's better luck next game.


BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 11 years ago.

I will never understand how people can say "X3 WAS THE BEST GAME EVAH!!!!" and then two seconds later post a list of mods they had to use to make it enjoyable.

I am not saying Egosoft sucks at making games, its just the mod community has made their games 10x better than they ever had a right to be.

Rebirth better be fully mod-able, but then again, I don't pay Egosoft for the hard work of people like Roguey.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

Rebirth better be fully mod-able, but then again, I don't pay Egosoft for the hard work of people like Roguey.

Well if anything its easier to mod game; because them horrible old types files are gone. No more CSV! yay - although I wouldnt say it was easy! :p


BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 11 years ago.

Rebirth better be fully mod-able, but then again, I don't pay Egosoft for the hard work of people like Roguey.
Well if anything its easier to mod game; because them horrible old types files are gone. No more CSV! yay - although I wouldnt say it was easy!
- Roguey

Yes but even you have to admit much of the games rules are hard coded in the executable this time... so while we can mod many things easy, the core of the game is locked out now.


CoolMenace avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 11 years ago.

Yes it’s pre-ordered already. Seven years in the making – Don’t really want to wait any longer 

Having played since the Birth of the x Universe. I guess I am not going to miss this one either.

As others though, I am unsure if X-Rebirth is going to equal the previous ones yet alone match or better them, time will tell.

As for it finished/not finished at release, as long as it’s playable it will do, the patches hopefully will correct any major problems that arise, plus it will give me time to get used to the changes 

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