M Pulse Laser Mk1 (ware)

Many experienced pilots fondly remember the affordable and reliable Pulse Laser as their first weapon. Its pin-point accuracy and high projectile speed make it an excellent choice for fighting small and fast targets, handling fragile lockboxes, and for dealing with deployables like mines and lasertowers. Often initially scoffed at for its comparatively low damage output, its slow heat generation and sublime cooling result in a steady stream of disruptive fire, which in turn rewards pilots who can stay on target for an extended period. Faced with larger enemies, the Pulse Laser does not become obsolete as quickly as one might expect. Used in greater numbers, it can still be a formidable choice against frigates and corvettes, though an upgrade to a larger weapon mount may be advisable to maintain a level playing field. The Pulse Laser remains the preferred choice of commanders who favour versatility over optimisation against specific opponents, or who have little trust in the aim of their subordinates.

The technology behind the Pulse Laser is advanced and efficient. Within a shielded chamber, microscopic fragments of matter are superheated and accelerated by a pulsed neodymium laser. The weapon was originally designed by the Ministry of Finance to provide a robust loadout for their escort fleets, without having to invest time and resources into the maintenance of a well-rounded combined arms setup. Over time, and thanks to the Teladi Company's aggressive marketing, it has been adopted as the number one weapon of convenience by all other former members of the Community of Planets.

The Mk2 variant sports a slightly longer burst. This lowers the efficiency of the heat dissipation between bursts and thereby exponentially drives up the cost of the internal shielding, but results in an overall higher damage output.

Ware price Min: 20,763, Avg: 23,070, Max: 25,377,
Ware type Equipment
Ware subtype Weapons
Ware volume 1
Ware ID (for devs) weapon_gen_m_laser_01_mk1

Primary resources
Min Max
1 x Advanced Electronics 710 710
5 x Energy Cells 50 50
10 x Weapon Components 1,710 1,710
Total 2,470 2,470
Production cycle
Cycle time 10 seconds,
Batch size 1 units
Products per hour 360.0
Cycles per hour 360.0
Profit per hour
Min Avg Max
Primary only 6,585,480 7,416,000 8,246,520

Use in the creation of;
  • Unknown...

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