Advanced Electronics (ware)

Designed specifically to work alongside weapon and turret components, it is a variety of advanced electronics that allow different weapons and turrets to have a range of turning speeds, fire rates and cooldowns. Whereas field coils for shields and antimatter converters for engines are more modular and can be used 'across the board', different weapons and turrets expect different electronic systems to be used in order to ensure the correct properties. However, as all equipment is built and repaired on demand, all advanced electronics are shipped to shipyards and equipment docks together.

Ware price Min: 710, Avg: 1,014, Max: 1,318,
Ware type Container
Ware subtype Shiptech
Ware volume 30
Ware ID (for devs) advancedelectronics

Primary resources
Min Max
60 x Energy Cells 600 600
44 x Microchips 35,420 35,420
20 x Quantum Tubes 4,500 4,500
Total 40,520 40,520
Production cycle
Cycle time 12 mins,
Batch size 54 units
Products per hour 270.0
Cycles per hour 5.0
Profit per hour
Min Avg Max
Primary only -10,900 71,180 153,260

Use in the creation of;

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