M Plasma Cannon Mk1 (ware)

The Plasma Cannon combines high damage output with long range. Its drawbacks, slow projectile speed and fire rate, made worse by high heat generation, can make landing hits as challenging as it is important. This results in its predominant use being against capital ships, where swarms of fighters deploy Plasma Cannons to great success. Unlike short ranged weapons such as the Shard Battery and the Split Tau Accelerator, which outperform it in damage output and are more suited to attacking capital ships from a blind spot, the Plasma Cannon's greatest advantage is its range. Skilled pilots are also able to hunt down smaller targets efficiently, either by deploying the Plasma Cannon at short range or by predicting the courses of the projectile and target. Similarly, skilled pilots are also able to evade and avoid being hit by such attempts.

The Plasma Cannon was developed during the early days of the Paranid Civil War, by the Holy Order of the Pontifex, building upon the High Energy Plasma Thrower. Like its predecessor, it suffers from high radiation build-up, and this needs to be purged between shots to prevent it from damaging itself. The blueprint for the Plasma Cannon was stolen by the Argon Secret Service and distributed throughout the Commonwealth when the Argon Federation joined the war effort.

The Mk2 variant has a higher rate of fire, lower heat generation and increased damage output.

Ware price Min: 30,277, Avg: 33,641, Max: 37,005,
Ware type Equipment
Ware subtype Weapons
Ware volume 1
Ware ID (for devs) weapon_gen_m_plasma_01_mk1

Primary resources
Min Max
2 x Advanced Electronics 1,420 1,420
5 x Energy Cells 50 50
13 x Weapon Components 2,223 2,223
Total 3,693 3,693
Production cycle
Cycle time 10 seconds,
Batch size 1 units
Products per hour 360.0
Cycles per hour 360.0
Profit per hour
Min Avg Max
Primary only 9,570,240 10,781,280 11,992,320

Use in the creation of;
  • Unknown...

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