Weapon Components (ware)

Made up from such things as trigger and reloading mechanisms, chambers and barrels, weapon components make up the mechanical part of all ship weapons. Combined with specialised advanced electronics, a number of different weapons can be made from the modular components, also across different size ranges. Shipped to shipyards and equipment docks as a single package, these components can then be put together relatively quickly and easily to make any weapon for the final customer on-demand.

Ware price Min: 171, Avg: 285, Max: 399,
Ware type Container
Ware subtype Shiptech
Ware volume 20
Ware ID (for devs) weaponcomponents

Primary resources
Min Max
60 x Energy Cells 600 600
20 x Hull Parts 2,920 2,920
30 x Plasma Conductors 23,070 23,070
Total 26,590 26,590
Production cycle
Cycle time 30 mins,
Batch size 170 units
Products per hour 340.0
Cycles per hour 2.0
Profit per hour
Min Avg Max
Primary only 4,960 43,720 82,480

Use in the creation of;

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