S Bolt Repeater Mk2 (ware)

The Bolt Repeater's average damage output and cooling make it an excellent choice for the indecisive military pilot. It is often considered the logical next step after having familiarised oneself with the Pulse Laser. Its prolonged bursts can easily tear apart targets of a similar size, but the projectiles are larger and move at a slower pace than Pulse Laser particles. This means that the pilot needs to have experience in gauging when to expend their burst, and when to let the weapon cool down and wait for a better opportunity. When facing off against this weapon, nimble ships may be able to dodge its stream of bullets by strafing and making spiral movements. Against capital ships, the Bolt Repeater is a suitable choice for destroying surface elements such as turrets and shields, though it struggles to leave a lasting impact on the ship's hull.

The modern-day Bolt Repeater is the result of a development path taken by Argon military scientists from old Mass Driver designs; a weapon which first saw use during the era of the Kha'ak threat. By stripping out the original weapon's ability to penetrate shields, and instead maximising the force of its continuous bullet output, they created a robust all-rounder that was soon adopted by the Federation's allies because of its sheer brutal efficiency.

The Mk2 variant uses even larger projectiles while maintaining the same projectile speed, resulting in a lower rate of fire but an increased level of overall trauma to the target's hull and shields.

Ware price Min: 214,756, Avg: 238,618, Max: 262,480,
Ware type Equipment
Ware subtype Weapons
Ware volume 1
Ware ID (for devs) weapon_gen_s_gatling_01_mk2

Primary resources
Min Max
40 x Advanced Electronics 28,400 28,400
10 x Energy Cells 100 100
15 x Weapon Components 2,565 2,565
Total 31,065 31,065
Production cycle
Cycle time 10 seconds,
Batch size 1 units
Products per hour 360.0
Cycles per hour 360.0
Profit per hour
Min Avg Max
Primary only 66,128,760 74,719,080 83,309,400

Use in the creation of;
  • Unknown...

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