S Burst Ray Mk1 (ware)

Because of its amplified destructive power against surface elements, the Burst Ray is the weapon of choice for daring fighter pilots who want to strip capital ships of their engines, shield generators and turrets. As the name suggests, it fires a sequenced burst of focused radiation to deliver several galvanic calefactions in quick succession, causing the target's surface material to lose cohesion on a molecular level. This niche ability comes at a cost, however: its short range and low energy output against the main shield and hull of its target make the Burst Ray an ineffective weapon for skirmishes with small and medium-sized ships. In a pinch, the fact that the individual beams deliver their damage instantaneously, may nevertheless prove useful against small and evasive targets.

It is said that the Priest Duke of Pious Mists himself ordered the development of a specialised anti-capital ship weapon to counter the overreliance on heavy fleets and long-range weaponry of the Holy Order of the Pontifex.

The Mk2 variant fires more often per burst, which increases the energy output significantly. In turn, the effective range drops slightly and the weapon becomes prone to overheating.

Ware price Min: 18,582, Avg: 28,990, Max: 39,398,
Ware type Equipment
Ware subtype Weapons
Ware volume 1
Ware ID (for devs) weapon_gen_s_burst_01_mk1

Primary resources
Min Max
2 x Advanced Electronics 1,420 1,420
13 x Energy Cells 130 130
10 x Weapon Components 1,710 1,710
Total 3,260 3,260
Production cycle
Cycle time 10 seconds,
Batch size 1 units
Products per hour 360.0
Cycles per hour 360.0
Profit per hour
Min Avg Max
Primary only 5,515,920 9,262,800 13,009,680

Use in the creation of;
  • Unknown...

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