URV Mass Line (station)

The URV Mass Line compound conduction production line assembly of a limited choice of URV types. Unlike the URV BTO Line compound, it does not have an own development and research department. Instead, it mass-produces URVs according to customer selection from a catalogue. Run by AI and not AGI, the URV MA does not require a full staff of engineers for its operation. Only a skeleton crew of skilled workers is required.

Universe Search
For Dev's struct_bt_ol_drone_factory_macro

Default setup

1 x Tesla Duo-Charger
320,000 x #energy,

1 x URV Wharf
produces Assault URV
produces Cargolifter URV
produces Construction URV
produces Interceptor URV Mk1
produces Interceptor URV Mk2
produces Intrepid URV Mk1
produces Intrepid URV Mk2
produces Overrun URV Mk1
produces Overrun URV Mk2
produces Scoop Collector URV Mk1
produces Scoop Collector URV Mk2
produces Surface Miner URV Mk1
produces Surface Miner URV Mk2

1 x Container Storage
320,000 x #container,

1 x URV Launcher

1 x Science Crew Annex
bonus +0.06

1 x Bureau Executive
bonus +0.11

Sequence A (optional)

1 x URV Wharf
produces Assault URV
produces Cargolifter URV
produces Construction URV
produces Interceptor URV Mk1
produces Interceptor URV Mk2
produces Intrepid URV Mk1
produces Intrepid URV Mk2
produces Overrun URV Mk1
produces Overrun URV Mk2
produces Scoop Collector URV Mk1
produces Scoop Collector URV Mk2
produces Surface Miner URV Mk1
produces Surface Miner URV Mk2

1 x URV Launcher

1 x Spun Collider
bonus +0.09

1 x Science Crew Annex
bonus +0.06

1 x URV Wharf
produces Assault URV
produces Cargolifter URV
produces Construction URV
produces Interceptor URV Mk1
produces Interceptor URV Mk2
produces Intrepid URV Mk1
produces Intrepid URV Mk2
produces Overrun URV Mk1
produces Overrun URV Mk2
produces Scoop Collector URV Mk1
produces Scoop Collector URV Mk2
produces Surface Miner URV Mk1
produces Surface Miner URV Mk2

1 x URV Launcher

1 x Science Crew Annex
bonus +0.06

1 x Bureau Executive
bonus +0.11

1 x URV Wharf
produces Assault URV
produces Cargolifter URV
produces Construction URV
produces Interceptor URV Mk1
produces Interceptor URV Mk2
produces Intrepid URV Mk1
produces Intrepid URV Mk2
produces Overrun URV Mk1
produces Overrun URV Mk2
produces Scoop Collector URV Mk1
produces Scoop Collector URV Mk2
produces Surface Miner URV Mk1
produces Surface Miner URV Mk2

1 x URV Launcher

1 x Science Crew Annex
bonus +0.06

1 x Bureau Central
bonus +0.11

Sequence B (optional)

1 x Container Storage
320,000 x #container,

Sequence C (optional)

1 x Command Relay

Sequence D (optional)

1 x Targon Tracer