- Help section
- Beginners guide
- User Interface
- Navigating space
- How to dock
- How to trade
- Upgrading your ship
- Weapon guide
- Managing power
- Unidentified signal sources (USS)
- Resource Extraction Sites (RES)
- What are Fuel-Scoops?
- Exploration guide
- Smuggling goods
- How to land on a base
- Driving around
- Finding materials/POI's
- The Engineers
- Passenger missions
- Ship launched fighters
- Ship transfer
- Multi-crew
- Fleet carriers
- List of ranks
- Trade-helper
- Ship list
- Equipment list
- Rare goods
- Weapon compare
Below is a list of all the ranks found in Elite: Dangerous. Trade and Exploration are based on the amount of money you have generated in that activity, whilst combat rating is based on points.
The amount of combat points you get is determined by the difference between your combat rank and that of the target - greater the difference, the more points you will get.
ie. you will receive more points destroying a Elite ship over a Harmless one, even although they might be the same type of vessel.
Federation and Empire ranks can achieved by completing military missions from the BBS.
Federation and Empire ranks can achieved by completing military missions from the BBS.