Show us your... fleet

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dutzan avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 13 years ago.

Because I manage so far to over tune it to a speed of 480 ms and a rudder of 37 rpm s just by lookink for hiden containers on Pirats sectors wich have engine tunings and rudder optimisatios.
Every time I find one of those I call My Vidar and catche it.
- jccpsc

Where exactly do you find these hidden containers? Just floating in space at random generated locations or are they predetermined for everyone's game? I've been playing albion prelude a lot and I haven't found even one of them so far.
Also, do these extra tunings work for other ships than the vidar?


Ripskar avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 13 years ago.

According to the Egosoft forum there's 8 of them scattered randomly across the Pirate sectors.
I've only found one so far, still unclaimed, I'm trying to decide whether to give it to the Woden or the Kyoto...

Somewhere out there is a Cobra Mk III with my name on it.
It isn't mine, some rando actually wrote my name across the side of his ship...

jccpsc avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 13 years ago.

Where exactly do you find these hidden containers? Just floating in space at random generated locations or are they predetermined for everyones game? Ive been playing albion prelude a lot and I havent found even one of them so far.
- dutzan

You can find them only on pirats sectors, it's random and they apear in a random place in sector when the player enters in that given sector.
You enter in a pirate sector and start to look arond, mainly beinde the gates, use triplex scaner or even advance satalite.

I've looked the script and it's random in quantities, type of and it's not every time you enter in a pirate sector. the quantity is betwin 2 and 5 and can be engine tunings or ruder optimisation.

If you have any ship with the engine tuning and the ruder optimisation on max alowed, if you catch one or more of this crates, it will be added to the ones existing on the ship. ANY SHIP.



jccpsc avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 13 years ago.

According to the Egosoft forum there's 8 of them scattered randomly across the Pirate sectors.
I've only found one so far, still unclaimed, I'm trying to decide whether to give it to the Woden or the Kyoto...
- Ripskar

Acording with what I've seen on the script and my expirience it's not limited to 8, it's always apearing along game time and has no limit.
I my self found more than 20 of them.



Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

Ah I wondered what those crates were doing there - so far just picked up 2 of them, one being 3x engine tuning and another being 3x rudder tuning. Its great to be able to overclock your ship Smile

I guess technically you could get an M2 with 300m/s now? probably take sometime finding all them crates for it although.


jccpsc avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 13 years ago.

Yes we can

But there's a problem...

An M2/M1 going up to 300 ms with the accelaration/Braking and stering they have...
I wich you good luck

Because when I pass on the next asteroid with an M2 sticked on it; I know It was You.



dutzan avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 13 years ago.

I just remembered where I saw these upgrades before... but it wasn't ingame, there was a script I found that showed the exact position of all the ships/missiles/upgrades floating in space in your universe.

And in that list I saw the rudders and engines but I assumed they were the same as the equipment dock ones. Anyway, I went after two of them and after the auto pilot took me to the location, I still couldn't see them, even with triplex scanner. Only after I dropped an adv satelite did they show up... only about a km away. Reeeeally hard to find these things. Never would I have found them my self. Anyway, used 7 rudders to upgrade my boreas from 0.9 to 1.2 steering. Not much, but still noticeable and I'll go pick up the rest soon.
Also, here's my fleet so far - couldn't get them together for a group shot cause they're scattered around the sectors some without jumpdrives:


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

Well Id rather find them myself - more rewarding, however its nice to see they have randomized stuff now. When things were in set places, it made things a bit too predictable.

Nice fleet dutzan - everyone seems to get an split cobra Smile


Ripskar avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 13 years ago.

I'm laying off the Cobra, being denied the Minotaur makes it the one M7M I MUST have... Whatever

Somewhere out there is a Cobra Mk III with my name on it.
It isn't mine, some rando actually wrote my name across the side of his ship...

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

I did look at the Terran M7M however with no boarding pods.. well, they can keep it :p


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 13 years ago.

Current fleet

Fleet Big grin

Argon Minoteuor
Boron Magaloodon
Terra Osaka (took me bloomin ages to get)


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

How you finding the Boron Magaloodon?


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 13 years ago.

It's alright, I scripted it in, (still paid for it by buying couple of titans and destroying them.
I do not use it most the time, it is always controlled by the AI.
It has good shields, so can stand in a fight against a Osaka or something. Although it only has 2 out of the 6 turrets for PPCs, the rest are HEPTs.

It is a good ship Big grin


Ripskar avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 13 years ago.

I suppose I ought to update this;

'Cestrian' - Kyoto Class (Overtuned; 70m/s)
'Auriga' - Woden Class
'Nemesis' - Aegir Class
'Laura' - Katana Class
'Gun Runner' - Springblossom Class
'Blade Runner' - Springblossom Class
'Concord' - Ocelot Class
'Avalon' - Scabbard Class
'Athel Loren' - Scabbard Class
'Athenian Pride' - Scabbard Class
'MAU Intense Negotiations' - Toucan Hauler Class
'Rising Sun' - MMBS
'Pursuit Special' - Spitfyre Class
'Foxtrot Alpha' - Fenrir Class
'Tango Alpha' - Thor Class
'Victor Alpha' - Valkyrie Class
'Gingerbread Man' - Kestrel Class
'Growler' - Chokaro Class
'Nimue' - Toukon Class

Numerous TS.

Somewhere out there is a Cobra Mk III with my name on it.
It isn't mine, some rando actually wrote my name across the side of his ship...

acx avatar
Level badge Noguey (0)
Posted 13 years ago.

This is a cool thread so I signed up to show off my hard work
Been a fan of X3 since X2 :p

I have two fleets:

16 TS type vultures, running trade missions
+1 OTAS mistral
and a fully loaded heavy centaur to jump on any pirate attack my freighters might get themselves in.

I actually ran out of money after the fighters, they are bout 5m per "venti" and 7 per "eclipse"
so not many weapons on the carrier yet (it took a long time and money just to get the trading fleet going)
The Hoshi is 80m + equip and fighters with gear about 200m
But the bombers should be able to missile spam any M1s out there + the upcoming flaks on the carrier should take care of any missiles and fighters : )

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