Show us your... fleet

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Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 12 years ago.

Nice pic. Looks fun to kill stuff with.


dutzan avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 12 years ago.

As a bit of an update, yesterday I just captured the Hyperion vanguard and a pirate Brigantine. Thing is the Hyperion had advanced firewall to protect it, but my marines still got it with no losses. Now the Brigantine, unlike the Hyperion, had some surprises aboard... I only scanned it after my marines were on board and fighting and I saw it had advanced firewall as well as internal lasers to protect it... I thought damn, might need to reload and forget about this ship for now. But again, my marines capped it the first time around with no losses. And this is what I found aboard:

When I took it to a shipyard, it's total price was over 80 mil Banana winner


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

Congratulations on the boarding dutzan. 16 x PPC's are worth 8 million on their own (you get half the sale value if you sell the ship with them on). The firewall should just make it harder for your marines to hack the computer, so I wouldnt of thought you would lose any marines cos of it.


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 12 years ago.

Best i have boarded is a Terran Osaka. Blooming hard! :P Lost a lot of marines. I was actually quite cheeky and had two M7s with 20 marines on. Once i had depleted the 20 marines on one ship i would use the other M7 for reinforcements if needed. However, i did not need my other ship.

After my huge loss of ships and not enough money to repair them, I am put down to this as my fleet.

- Argon Skiron 'Independence-F'
- 4 x Argon Mercury
- Solar Power Plant L (PTNI HQ)
- Ore Mine (forgot)
- Complex (Check complex thread) (Argon Prime)
- Split Elephant 'Big Momma'

Yep, that's it.... hang on!!! EDIT: Added a bit more :P

I name my main ship the 'Independence' after the sim ship I run on AJJE Games. A brief story of why it is the Independence F
If any one watched Star Trek they will know the ships registry, for example the Enterprise went up to 'E' as after each ship was destroyed its successor was the next letter of the alphabet.
The Galaxy Class Enterprise was NCC-1701-D once destroyed the newest Sovereign class takes the name Enterprise with NCC-1701-E

These are the ships.

Independence - (Argon Centaur)
Independence-A (Argon Nova)
Independence-B (Argon Minotaur)
Independence-C (Argon Minotaur)
Independence-D (Argon Minotaur)
Independence-E (Argon Mercury)
Independence-F (Argon Skiron)
Independence-G (Boron Strugeon)
Independence-H (Argon Notus Hauler)
Independence-I (Paranid Agemenmon)
Independence-J (Boron Guppy)
Independence-K )Argon Titan)

Quite a strange set as ships I have called my 'flagships'

Edit: Added more Independence's


Anticitizen1 avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 12 years ago.

My current fleet:

M2: Boreas, Python and Kyoto
M7: Gryphon
M7M: Cobra
M6: Skiron, Springblossom
M8: Auster
M3: Aamon Prototype, Blastclaw Prototype, 2 x Spitfyre, Venti
M5: Fujin, 2 x Kestrel
TP: Phantom
TS: 10+ x Mistral Super

As for boarding my advice is to start off capping Yaki Ryu's TL's in Yaki Sectors. They are easy on your marines and will not damage your rep with the Commonwealth. Once your marines are up to an average of 4 stars in fighting, if you are after credits, go to either Weiver's Tempest or Lasting Vengeance and cap M1's.

My favourite is the Paranid Zeus in Lasting Vengeance, it's escorts are 4 to 7 Nemesis Corvettes which only require 3 Hammers each to destroy, it has problems shooting missiles down when they are coming in head on (in other words, when you launch missiles as it is chasing you) and if your marines have 5 stars in engineering, you will get 55 million + credits for it provided you do not damage the hull with Hammers or Flails. Once I capped one only using 32 Hammers and 10 Flails and that included taking out the escorts.


Ripskar avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 12 years ago.

Updated again after 2.0

'Cestrian' - Kyoto Class (Overtuned; 70m/s)
'Auriga' - Woden Class
'Nemesis' - Aegir Class
'Maharajah' - Maccana Class
'Red October' - Senshi Class
'Laura' - Katana Class
'Gun Runner' - Springblossom Class
'Blade Runner' - Springblossom Class
'Concord' - Ocelot Class
'Avalon' - Scabbard Class
'Athel Loren' - Scabbard Class
'Athenian Pride' - Scabbard Class
'MAU Intense Negotiations' - Toucan Hauler Class
'Rising Sun' - MMBS
'Pursuit Special' - Spitfyre Class
'Foxtrot Alpha' - Fenrir Class
'Tango Alpha' - Thor Class
'Victor Alpha' - Valkyrie Class
'Gingerbread Man' - Kestrel Class
'Growler' - Chokaro Class
'Nimue' - Toukon Class

Somewhere out there is a Cobra Mk III with my name on it.
It isn't mine, some rando actually wrote my name across the side of his ship...

rankalee avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 12 years ago.

Hi all, This is my first game in x3ap and first in the series so I dont know much.. but i think I'm doing ok. I name most my ships with 'SDF'*number and name based on my favorite series since the X3 names are boring.

M2 Boreas SDF-3 Tytania
M7 Griffon Sentinel SDF-4 Eveningstar
M7 Akurei (my first boarded ship) Smile SDF-7 Aurora-Sky
M7 Carrick (dunno if to sell or not as it is pretty crappy) SDF-5 Goldilocks
M7M Minotaur (got it and never used as missiles too much of a hassle and didnt know what I was getting myself into lol so I bought a sirokos for boarding only)SDF-9 Skala
M7M Sirokos SDF-8 Liandrin
M6 Skiron (aciddently ran over an engine tuning and now at 170ms speed so is my player ship of choice) SDF-787 Aria
M6 Heavy Centaur Prototype (boarded) SDF-789 Unnamed
M6 Centaur SDF-790 Unnamed
M6 Kha'ak Corvette SDF-791 Unnamed
About a dozen or so mix of claimed M3,M4 and M5.
About 20 Mercury/Mistral Universe Traders to make me $$$. Got no stations yet...
4 more extra TS to do equipment shopping for fleet.
TL Ryu (most recently boarded) SDF-6 Fat-Boy
Plan to get an M1 soon. Thanks for the suggesting anticitizen1 will try to capture some as soon as my marines are skilled enough.

best screenshot I can manage of the main fleet below.


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 12 years ago.

Well... I have had a big change to my fleet. Still quite small.

Argon Notus Hauler 'Independence-H'
Boron Sturgeon ('asdf') cba naming it
Taldi Albatross ('Big Moma the second')
6x Argon Mercury.

I am currently building an Agamemnon into my HQ. Yes, I know I scripted in the Blueprints to the HQ, but I like this ship :P With this new ship building thing, I decided it would be good to use the complex I have in the same sector (PTNI HQ) to supply it. So I closed the station to others and built more stations so I can have a self-sufficant supply for my HQ. The only downside is that you can't connect your HQ to the complex. So I have to use a trade ship. The one I ave gone for is the Boron Sturgeon, because it has the biggest cargo bay (16,500) With a max speed of 64m/s, and only 15 km between the complex and the HQ it is perfect. Also with Docking Computer it saves a lot of time.


dutzan avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 12 years ago.

Here's a part of my fleet that I managed to get in a shot at my hub:
I had most of my former pirate captured ships parked at the grand exchange shipyard, but the xenon began attacking in waves in that system and I didn't see the teladi dispatching any more ships against them so I figured it might be better to move them somewhere else. Got a few other ships in other sectors, a boron T7 and the rest mostly corvettes and freighters.


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 12 years ago.

Wow, that's one fleet. Do you even need to use that much firepower?


dutzan avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 12 years ago.

Well I used to use the Griffon as a player ship, but now it's been mostly replaced by the Hyperion, and sometimes I use the Boreas when I need to kill some capital ships quicker. I also use the Cobra, but the rest not yet. Most of the others are not even equiped with lasers or shields, just what they happened to have when they were captured. I do intend to fully equip them though, as I'll probably start a war with soome race other than the terrans. So they might look like alot of firepower but they just don't have teeth... yet Flame


martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

Originally I had planned on putting together a fleet of Collosus's and Boreas's, but after boarding so many ships to train my marines I refuse to buy any capitals (other than the Guppy I bought to help me with my boarding.) I currently have the following that I haven't sold:

2x Kyoto's
1x Osaka
1X Tokyo
2x Zeus
1x Brigantine
1x Galleon
1x Carrack
1x Cobra
1x Minotaur
1x Guppy
1x Hyperion
1x Springblossum

And a slew of smaller ships. I just started boarding Terran ships, and there aren't any more that I want. I have three Atmospheric Lifters that will likely replace my other TL's, but my goal of two Kyoto's and a Tokyo are already accomplished in the two days I have been attacking them. Now I need fittings though, so I have to get back to the grindstone to get more capitals to get the guns from them.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

You guys got such large fleets - thanks for picture dutzan!

Ive recently restarted X3AP, so my fleet is rather small (just an M7, M6 etc.) as I started with the Terran commander before v2.0. However after the extra mini-plots ive decided to switch sides, but means restarting.

This is my new main ship (I wanted something different for a change):


Ripskar avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 12 years ago.

I know what you mean.
I went Modded, with Project Bifrost and Operation Loki from the Terran Revitalization Project.

Somewhere out there is a Cobra Mk III with my name on it.
It isn't mine, some rando actually wrote my name across the side of his ship...

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

Well I just wanted to try something else, as when I get to the 50-60mill mark I always get the Split Cobra, then build an complex for it and then go boarding. So for a game you can play so many ways, I always seem to buy the same ships at the set times. So I wanted to try something different.

This is why I brought an Griffon Sentinel (M7). Ive started using the hanger on the ship (it has an hanger of 9), although at first I filled it Kestrel's (M5) however not long and I started losing a few. I tried them as it only cost me like 2mil for all 9. However ive started to replace them with M3's and M3+.

For me the best drone ships is the Eclipse (M3+), it comes with 200MJ (so not looking around for shields), front and back turrets, a good top speed of 130m/s and 4 x HEPT's. I havnt got enough to replace all the hanger with Eclipse's, just 2 atm. However I could see the M7 with 9 x Eclipse being fairly strong. Its taking out Q's not too difficult.

Im basically using it as an mini-m1, however this M7 has enough weapons to attack with, and 4 x 1GJ worth of shielding unlike the M7C range.

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