Current blog's (Page 1 of 16)

Posted by Roguey on 25 Jun, 2018

About a week ago started to look for a new case for my test server – an old i5 2400 test server. The original case was pretty old and featured one 80mm on the front, and a second 92mm fan on the rear. I wanted a case that supported a Micro ATX motherboard (so hopefully a little shorter than your standard ATX), was compact, no optical drive bays (I don't really have much use of these any-more) and could fit 120/140mm size fans (as I generally prefer those). The server has only one drive – an SSD, but could be expanded with ... » Read more

Posted by Roguey on 10 Feb, 2017

Well.. I have finally reached triple Elite! The last title I had to finish was the exportation rank. This is a very slow title to complete without sightseeing missions. I must salute those who completed the title without them;

Gaining triple Elite is something I wanted to do, but havnt been in a rush. The first title I got was in combat. I gained this title on 1st Sep 2015. Next title I completed was the trading, on 13th Nov 2015. The trading rank pushed my money up a lot, as you are required to make a ... » Read more

Posted by Roguey on 9 Dec, 2016

Around 9:40pm last night I completed the last part of my Colonia trip. This final run was between Polo Harbour to Jaques Station, which lasted around two and half hours. Jaques Station is around 4.7k ly from Polo Harbour. Generally this trip went fairly smoothly, apart from the route planner taking ages to work-out the path.

The whole journey lasted just under 12 hours, which I think is pretty good (averaging 2,000ly per hour). Anyway, so im finally at Jaques Station, but having a rest for a few ... » Read more

Posted by Roguey on 8 Dec, 2016

On the 6th Dec (Tuesday night at around 10:45pm) I started the long journey to Colonia. Just after an hour I reached the first check-point - Hillary Depot (which is around 2,200ly from the home-bubble). So the next day Wednesday I carried on my journey.
The next place to reach was Amundsen Terminal (in Lagoon Sector NI-S b4-10). This took around an hour and 10 minutes. I must admit my landing wasnt the best because there are some very large mountains which surround the base - making it tricky to ... » Read more

Posted by Roguey on 7 Dec, 2016

So last night I started the long trip to Colonia. After an hour I managed to reach the first check-point or base at Blu Thua AI-A c14-10, A 4A (called Hillary Depot). This is around 2,200ly from the home bubble;

So this puts me around 10% of the way of Colonia. Hopefully the trip will remain easy going. I want to say a big thanks to buht cheeks (I didnt pick the name) giving me advice on my youtube video. If progress remains at this rate, I should reach Colonia in 5 hours of game-play ... » Read more

Posted by Roguey on 6 Dec, 2016

A few days ago I created a video saying that I was interested in traveling to Colonia (the new settlement which is around 22,000ly away from home area). After posting the video, a few commanders said I should make the journey. So for the past few days ive been preparing my ship for the long road ahead. The main thing I had to do is to boost the FSD range (originally I had 21y).

After gaining favor with an engineer and getting him to upgrade my drive, I am now ready to head out. I will be using the ... » Read more

Posted by Roguey on 1 Oct, 2016

A month ago nvidia ran a competition where you had to solve a series of daily puzzles. In-return you were to be entered into a free-prize draw to win a range of things, including a pc, graphics cards (1070/1080's) and a couple of games. I solved each puzzle but didnt expect to hear anything again - the chances of winning these things is astronomically small but might as well give it ago eh? someone has to win, right?
I was contacted on Friday 2nd September 2016 to say I had won fourth prize;

However to ... » Read more

Posted by Roguey on 14 Aug, 2016

Over the past week or so, I have been looking into a HDMI cable for 4:4:4 / 4k@60hz with a length of around 6+ meters. I know that over 5 meters is pushing it somewhat; but in my situation I required a longer cable. The first cable I tried was with a standard HDMI cable from ebay (which I found out later was 30AWG). This cable had problems with anything higher than 4:2:0 - every 5-10 seconds the picture would cut-out and it would have corruption (a series of green dots). I also had the 5 meter version of the same cable, which did work without ... » Read more