@ Redheart ........... I wouldn't dream of using FBL for anything! (& I haven't even tried IBL) .....I don't own a shrike, but Flak AA is very good on the ships I've mounted it on. If you want lots of FAA (for later ships as well) you might consider making them,...... making them is slow but rounding them up can take forever. (Set Equipment Dock for FAA and tell a qualified CAG to buy them.) You could always do both!
Questions by Redheart, Answers by you


Proguey (12)

I am an Alien!

Assoguey (17)

Probably the best Loadout(s) for a Personal Shrike is as follows:
Main Guns: Either 4 IBL and 4 EBC, or 8 ISR.
Left+Right turrets: Always 2 Gauss Cannons.
Up+Down: Definitely 2 FAA, but 2 ISR if you don't have any.
Rear: 2 PBE's are good, but you can also use 2 ISR.
And remember, you have a 8 ship hanger, so its a good idea to keep 5 interceptor type fighters on board, (like Solano's with MD, Medusae with PBE or Eclipses with PRG's for a couple of examples) and then you have space for 3 personal fighter (a fast one, a heavy one and then what ever you want, I would recommend Kestrel, Venti and then Blastclaw Proto).
And another point, that ship has a HUGE cargo bay, do don't feel afraid to abuse the crap out of it; you can carry around 3500 eEcells and still have and bucket-load of weapons and missiles aboard!
*EDIT And yes, Alpha is completely right, FBL are useless. If their energy usage was lower and either their ROF or bullet speed was higher, they could be a viable replacement for the HEPT (as they do 2.8k shield damage per shot!), but at the moment they are nigh on useless....
Main Guns: Either 4 IBL and 4 EBC, or 8 ISR.
Left+Right turrets: Always 2 Gauss Cannons.
Up+Down: Definitely 2 FAA, but 2 ISR if you don't have any.
Rear: 2 PBE's are good, but you can also use 2 ISR.
And remember, you have a 8 ship hanger, so its a good idea to keep 5 interceptor type fighters on board, (like Solano's with MD, Medusae with PBE or Eclipses with PRG's for a couple of examples) and then you have space for 3 personal fighter (a fast one, a heavy one and then what ever you want, I would recommend Kestrel, Venti and then Blastclaw Proto).
And another point, that ship has a HUGE cargo bay, do don't feel afraid to abuse the crap out of it; you can carry around 3500 eEcells and still have and bucket-load of weapons and missiles aboard!
*EDIT And yes, Alpha is completely right, FBL are useless. If their energy usage was lower and either their ROF or bullet speed was higher, they could be a viable replacement for the HEPT (as they do 2.8k shield damage per shot!), but at the moment they are nigh on useless....
I will be the one to take you down!

Eagleguey (11)

AlphanInfidel and RandomTank, thank you for helping me trick out the ship better.
And RandomTank, I have to ask, why do you have three different types of fighters? You mention Kestrel, Venti and Blastclaw proto. How would you use those? I can understand a fast one for scouting but why not just run with all Solano's and then the Kestrel and then your personal fighter?
And RandomTank, I have to ask, why do you have three different types of fighters? You mention Kestrel, Venti and Blastclaw proto. How would you use those? I can understand a fast one for scouting but why not just run with all Solano's and then the Kestrel and then your personal fighter?

Assoguey (17)

I say Blastclaw Proto because it can carry 650 units of cargo, which allows you to restock on E-cells very quickly; also, they are great for salvaging all the missiles and other goodies left after combat because of that huge cargo bay (I usually tell it to collect all wares when I'm busy mopping up any fighters, it can take care of itself with 4 PBGs). If you could get your hands on an Enhanced Kea that would be even better, as it can store 750! units of cargo, and can take 8 PBG's! It is slower though...
Of course I use the Venti as my personal fighter, with 6 EBC and 4 PRG, but I have used others such as the Eclipse, Nova Proto, Susanowa Raider, Mamba Raider and the Chimera.
Of course I use the Venti as my personal fighter, with 6 EBC and 4 PRG, but I have used others such as the Eclipse, Nova Proto, Susanowa Raider, Mamba Raider and the Chimera.
I will be the one to take you down!

Eagleguey (11)

That makes much sense, right now I am using my Amron Proto and it gets into trouble if there are a few stragglers. Anyway, I have set up a Energy Chaingun forge and ammo dump, Gauss cannon forge and ammo dump, FAA forge, and a typhoon missile production center, thinking of adding another typhoon shop too. I already have the Pulsed Beam Emitter Forge and the Mass Driver Forge in my main complex so that is good to go. Thanks for the help RandomTank!!

Assoguey (17)

Anytime! Don't expect your fighters to be completely invincible, you will lose 1 occasionally! Although, if you pick your engagements wisely and don't let them stray too far away, you can reduce the chances of losses hugely; and a lot of the time just the Shrike will be enough to deal with targets.
I would highly recommend MD Solanos, as the huge ROF, high bullet speed, ignoring shield shot wreck fighters, and given a bit of time will pwn a Capitol. If you don't fancy MDs, I would go for PAC as their energy usage is lower. If you want something a bit heavier, Falcon Sentinels with 6-8 EBC are great, as they pack a punch without needing a generator, and they can also take a hell of a lot of punishment having the same shielding as a Dragon! They're also great for escorting your Shrike as they actually go faster than it!
I would highly recommend MD Solanos, as the huge ROF, high bullet speed, ignoring shield shot wreck fighters, and given a bit of time will pwn a Capitol. If you don't fancy MDs, I would go for PAC as their energy usage is lower. If you want something a bit heavier, Falcon Sentinels with 6-8 EBC are great, as they pack a punch without needing a generator, and they can also take a hell of a lot of punishment having the same shielding as a Dragon! They're also great for escorting your Shrike as they actually go faster than it!
I will be the one to take you down!

Eagleguey (11)

I would need to cap the Falcon Sentinel as they are not purchasable. I will get the solano for now but will add some of the Falcons when I can get them. Thanks again.

Assoguey (17)

You can occasionally get a mission offering a second hand one (uses the credit logo, usually from shipyards) for a price, and they aren't that rare, as I managed to get 3 on my main TC save from just those missions!
I will be the one to take you down!

Stickguey (8)

You can occasionally get a mission offering a second hand one (uses the credit logo, usually from shipyards) for a price, and they aren't that rare, as I managed to get 3 on my main TC save from just those missions!
- RandomTank
- RandomTank
You can buy ships? I had no idea ... nah just kidding

Most smaller "legal" ships not offered at shipyards can be found through those missions. Since the ships offered that way are all damaged most of these deals are pretty good so long as you repair the ships by hand.

Eagleguey (11)

Oh I always buy those ships if I think its a deal, then I repair them and resell them. Easy money.

Stickguey (8)

I never sell ships. What I don't need gets recycled and thus turned into stuff I actually do need.
The worthless stuff like the tons of Xenon M5 I end up capping all the time I use as live bait and distractions on boarding ops. They're also quite handy to pull capitals away from the ship I'm aiming for. Since the NPC capitals usually can't hit the broad side of a red giant their survivability is surprisingly high too. Just don't make the mistake and give them weapons. They'll just end up murderizing themselves with them.
The worthless stuff like the tons of Xenon M5 I end up capping all the time I use as live bait and distractions on boarding ops. They're also quite handy to pull capitals away from the ship I'm aiming for. Since the NPC capitals usually can't hit the broad side of a red giant their survivability is surprisingly high too. Just don't make the mistake and give them weapons. They'll just end up murderizing themselves with them.

Assoguey (17)

Yeah, I recycle most of my ships now... M8's and above I sell still, but I love recycling fighters for free wares for construction!
I will be the one to take you down!

Eagleguey (11)

Question time!! lol
1- What do you mean by recycle ships?
2- Is it worth it to build your own ships then to purchase them from shipyards?
3- Will I need the Nvidum I have gotten for ship building? I will store it in freighter for now.
1- What do you mean by recycle ships?
2- Is it worth it to build your own ships then to purchase them from shipyards?
3- Will I need the Nvidum I have gotten for ship building? I will store it in freighter for now.

Stickguey (8)

1. You can recycle ships for the Wares used in Ship Building in your PHQ. The amount you get depends on the ship you recycled.
2. Depends. I mostly only build ships I'd have to capture/board otherwise. In general it's quite handy to build support craft. Caps take ages and tons of wares, but can be worth it too. If you produce the wares yourself the ships are basically free, so costwise it's always worth it
3. Not that I know of. The stuff is only good for selling afaik. Just sell your freighter at a shipyard once it's full
. Otherwise it'll take ages.
2. Depends. I mostly only build ships I'd have to capture/board otherwise. In general it's quite handy to build support craft. Caps take ages and tons of wares, but can be worth it too. If you produce the wares yourself the ships are basically free, so costwise it's always worth it

3. Not that I know of. The stuff is only good for selling afaik. Just sell your freighter at a shipyard once it's full


Proguey (12)

2. Pretty much as above...especially for rare/unique ships, but anyway the PHQ can be quite useful! Cost just depends on whether you have enough developed complexes to get the resouces cheaply/for free...........But you should manage that easily by chucking in a few bailed ships as Hammerit suggested.( I haven't bothered building a large ship .... I just churn out Aamon Prototypes, because thats how you get them........ and Fenrir because its convenient. Have fun!
I am an Alien!
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