Best missile? Well, as we said with fighters, there is no 'best' as such, just many different missiles where some fit an application better than others. You can find the info about all the missiles here, but remember for AP they increased most missile speeds by about 10-20%.
Probably the most useful (offensive) missile would be the Typhoon, as it can blow up M3's to M1's due to it being a high damage swarm missile, but you will need quite a few for an M2, so Wraiths (on the Hyperion) would be better; but there are plenty of useful missiles in the game, each with different applications.
Banshees are great close range, high damage missile; yeah sure, the Thunderbolt is superior, but that takes up 6 spaces instead of 1! You can't buy them, but they are a super common drop from Pirates and Xenon (I end up with Hundreds even though I use them!)
Belugas are long range, good damage and quite fast, so good for sniping M3/M3+'s, but are really hard to get in decent numbers, so aren't that great.
Disruptors are great for picking off M5's, but are quite rare as you can't buy them.
Firestorms are great for taking chunks of shields off an M2, and combined with Wasps you can make your own short range M2M!
Hammerheads are just a better version of the Firestorm, but can't be bought and are a very rare drop; good for picking off an entire convoy though!
Hornets are kinda useful; I wish you could spam them though, because they work a lot like a Hammer.
Hurricanes are the equivalent to the Disruptor, being slightly slower, but have an AOE (though I usually find this too small).
Rapiers are incredibly fast, but aren't that useful supposing they only do 1k of damage, and are quite rare supposing you can't buy them.
RGW's work a lot like the Beluga, and are slightly more common, but are slower.
Silkworms are a high damage missile for an M4, and do have a bit of bite, but are quite slow for it, so if you can take Thunderbolts or Banshee, take them instead.
Tempests work a lot like a Thunderbolt that does less damage, but are great for Wingmen as if the missile's target is destroyed, it will re-lock to another.
Thunderbolts are a high damage missile that is great for sniping M3's and slow M4+'s, and can chomp off a decent lump of an M6's shields, but for the latter I would use Banshees close range, as they are more expendable.
Tornados are probably the only decent dumbfire, as they are fast, Swarm type, and do huge damage; making them great for putting on a personal M3 to allow you to take on Capitols.
Typhoons are just awesome, doing super damage, but are also quite agile and very difficult to shoot down (I'd build these first!)
Wasps are supposed to be a swarm missile used to kill M5's and weaken M4's, but I find they spend most of their short, short life time circling smaller targets, resulting in most warheads self-destructing. A much better use is to piss off and distract Capitol ships, or to spam their missile defense allowing heavy hitters (like the Firestorm!) to slip through.
Wildfires are awesome for sniping/weakening M4's, as they only slightly less damage than a Silkworm, but are a hell of a lot faster! Their only problem is that you can't buy them, but they are probably just as common as Banshees!
Wraiths are the only Terran missile the Commonwealth have access to, and only on the Hyperion (well, actually there is another ship that can have others, but I'm not going to spoil that!). They are a decent heavy hitter like the Firestorm, but are a Swarm type and are faster, so are very useful! The problem is that you can't buy them as Commonwealth unless you buddy up with the Terrans, and they only seem to drop from the big Terran Capitols; also, because they are so bad at turning, some missiles manage to miss the target, and take an age to circle back round!
I didn't mention the Dumbfires (as most are useless), the Terran missiles (as you can't really use them) and the M7M missiles (as you can MOSTLY use them on 1 type of ship). Also they are a couple of extras that are pretty useless or can't be mounted on most ships.
Questions by Redheart, Answers by you


Assoguey (17)

I will be the one to take you down!

Proguey (12)

The terran missiles are hard to get early in the game but if you increase your rep. you can buy their missile fabs AND/OR park a few of your spare traders in Aldrin at the relevant bases and soak up all their production. The poltergeist is like the wasp ... except despite being slower it actually works. The spectre is pretty powerful against the slower M4s, a couple take out or cripple any M3 or +, and a few can cause major probs for an M6. As RandomTank says the wraith is devastating but has a turning circle like a moon's orbit .....BUT if you launch a fair few at a Q (from a long range) and then reverse... the Q stays on course and keeps coming at you so most of the swarm will hit it... and kiss it goodbye. As my ship of preference is the vidar I use all of these.
I am an Alien!

Specoguey (14)

Dragonfly missile great m4 M3 killer. It is not dumb fire. I have plant making that wasps mossies. And typhoons I use more typhoons then any thing . A m6 m7 Piss me off I give you a big sunrise . I normally carry 100 in my hyperion so you get that many chances to say I am sorry

Assoguey (17)

I think Dragonflies are pretty useless; any fight with Pirates or Xenon leaves tons of Wildfires and Banshees all over the place, so it isn't hard to get hold of them; this matters because the Wildfire does 3 times the damage of the Dragonfly, with only a very very slight loss of speed in TC (3 m/s), but also uses less cargo space for that damage! Admitted, spamming Dragon's at M4's will kill them quite efficiently, but 2 Wildfires will pop nearly any M4 in the game....
Also, why can't I find a single ship on Roguey's AP site that can equip a Dragonfly??? I was trying to find their speed for AP but it says that no ships can equip them; Bug?
Also, why can't I find a single ship on Roguey's AP site that can equip a Dragonfly??? I was trying to find their speed for AP but it says that no ships can equip them; Bug?
I will be the one to take you down!

Proguey (12)

The AP Encyclopedia lists 100s of ships that can use the dragonfly. But I don't!
I am an Alien!

Specoguey (14)

I rather like the Dragonfly, but it does have a very narrow window of usefulness. At the start of the game, when you're flying an M5/M4 it's a great quick killer for anything of the same size or smaller, and fired in salvos can even take out an M3/M3+ (maybe not the super heavy shielded ones). Once you upgrade to am M6 though, your turrets are more than capable of handling those ships, and anything bigger typically carries Flak Arrays as standard, so most anti fighter missiles become effectively useless.
My personal fave missile of all time though, is the Typhoon. I always build 15+ typhoon fabs, and every M6 or bigger ship in my fleet carries them as standard
My personal fave missile of all time though, is the Typhoon. I always build 15+ typhoon fabs, and every M6 or bigger ship in my fleet carries them as standard

Madder than a Bastard on fathers day.
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD

Eagleguey (11)

@AlphanInfidel, I love the Vidar. That is the main ship I used in TC. But as I am in AP I started out as Argon so I don't have that ship to use.
@RandomTank, I do think that its a bug. I have found a few things with the AP side of the site that isn't correct or doesn't display like it should. There may be a coding bug in the script. Also the link you gave is for TC, is the only difference in missiles from TC to AP just the increase in speed?
@Kirlack and others, I have tried to use the larger missiles but it seems that the larger ships over the M5 level seem to just shoot my missiles down. How do you make it so your missiles hit the target? I have thought of using mosquito as like a decoy missile but I don't know how to do it with the difference in speed of the missiles.
And a question about a quest....How the F*&$ am I supposed to obtain a Xenon L ship? The lady wants me to obtain a Xenon L ship for her...seriously? omg.....They do not like to bail out and you cant board them as they are just fighters...any tips?
Also, my universal traders in AP are going into standby more then normal I think. I then have to command them to do UT again and they will then find a trade but is this more normal then what I saw in TC? I know I have not opened up all the map and that has something to do with it but still I have about 1/2-3/4 open.
@RandomTank, I do think that its a bug. I have found a few things with the AP side of the site that isn't correct or doesn't display like it should. There may be a coding bug in the script. Also the link you gave is for TC, is the only difference in missiles from TC to AP just the increase in speed?
@Kirlack and others, I have tried to use the larger missiles but it seems that the larger ships over the M5 level seem to just shoot my missiles down. How do you make it so your missiles hit the target? I have thought of using mosquito as like a decoy missile but I don't know how to do it with the difference in speed of the missiles.
And a question about a quest....How the F*&$ am I supposed to obtain a Xenon L ship? The lady wants me to obtain a Xenon L ship for her...seriously? omg.....They do not like to bail out and you cant board them as they are just fighters...any tips?
Also, my universal traders in AP are going into standby more then normal I think. I then have to command them to do UT again and they will then find a trade but is this more normal then what I saw in TC? I know I have not opened up all the map and that has something to do with it but still I have about 1/2-3/4 open.

Specoguey (14)

I'm not sure if capping the L is any different in AP than it would be in TC, but I'd always go at it with a PBE loaded fighter. As noted on other threads, my preference is for either a Tenjin or a Mamba Vanguard, fully loaded with PBEs up front. That should give you a fair to good chance to cap more or less anything.
As for Uni traders, they might get put off some of their usual trades by the advent of the war sectors. That's purely supposition on my part though, as I still don't own AP, and wouldn't use an Uni trader if my life depended on it!
As for Uni traders, they might get put off some of their usual trades by the advent of the war sectors. That's purely supposition on my part though, as I still don't own AP, and wouldn't use an Uni trader if my life depended on it!

Madder than a Bastard on fathers day.
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD

Eagleguey (11)

Kirlack why dont you use Uni traders? I thought they were supposed to help the economy flow in the game?
Also I have gotten many pirates to eject with the HEPTs that I use on the Nova Prototype. It is just that the Xenon just do not like to eject. Do you have any tips for getting xenon to eject?
Also I have gotten many pirates to eject with the HEPTs that I use on the Nova Prototype. It is just that the Xenon just do not like to eject. Do you have any tips for getting xenon to eject?

Assoguey (17)

I love Banshee missiles now; they are great for weakening/finishing off M3's and M6's, all I do is fly on a Parallel flight-path to the M6, launch about 2-5 Banshees at 2km, then fly past him; this means that his turrets (if applicable) fire at me, and because the missiles go straight towards him and I fly past him, no stray shot hit the Banshees! I carry about 30 Banshees on a personal fighter now....
Easy ways to get a L to bail? Keep trying basically; head over to Black Hole Sun/Grand Exchange and keep taking all of the Xenon Patrol and Hold Position Missions you can find, and if you use a PBE fighter like Kirlack suggested, you should get one to bail eventually. It does take a while, because the bail rates on an L are REALLY low...
And yes, the Missile Stats page that I shared the link for is for TC, but there isn't one for AP as all the missiles are pretty well the same (apart from a 10-20% speed increase on MOST missiles) and there isn't any new missiles; also some-one said on a different post that the Shadow Missile for the ATF Skirnir M7M was nerfed to 560K damage Non-Swarm type, but I've yet to confirm this....
Easy ways to get a L to bail? Keep trying basically; head over to Black Hole Sun/Grand Exchange and keep taking all of the Xenon Patrol and Hold Position Missions you can find, and if you use a PBE fighter like Kirlack suggested, you should get one to bail eventually. It does take a while, because the bail rates on an L are REALLY low...
And yes, the Missile Stats page that I shared the link for is for TC, but there isn't one for AP as all the missiles are pretty well the same (apart from a 10-20% speed increase on MOST missiles) and there isn't any new missiles; also some-one said on a different post that the Shadow Missile for the ATF Skirnir M7M was nerfed to 560K damage Non-Swarm type, but I've yet to confirm this....
I will be the one to take you down!

Specoguey (14)

I don't like the inefficiency of Uni traders, or Mk3s in general. A very clever guy I met on the Egosoft forums got me thinking in terms of CLS trade networks, and pointed out that Mk3s can and will fly halfway across the universe to make a sale at 2 credits profit per unit
They also, despite the 500k price tag for the software, occasionally still whinge that their cargo bays are full and ask for help.
CLS nets don't do that
So, personal preferences aside, capping Xenon tech is, for me at least, usually a case of taking on a Xenon sector in my Shrike, and winning
Lots of Flak Arrays shred fighters, and the ones that survive can be quickly claimed and docked via the System Override Software/Transporter Device/Docking Computer trick. Beyond that, it's always a case of hull whittling with PBE fire

CLS nets don't do that

So, personal preferences aside, capping Xenon tech is, for me at least, usually a case of taking on a Xenon sector in my Shrike, and winning

Madder than a Bastard on fathers day.
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD

Eagleguey (11)

Thanks you both for your wisdom as always. Random that is something I had not thought of, run side by side and launch then get ahead and sorta cut across...that should make the turrets target me and not the missiles, so the NPC ships dont have any missile defense like we do with the turrets on our ships?
Kirlack, can you explain the CLS please? and you obtain the system override software from pirate base and it is illegal so for me to have it would be in violation of my oath to the military:).
Kirlack, can you explain the CLS please? and you obtain the system override software from pirate base and it is illegal so for me to have it would be in violation of my oath to the military:).

Assoguey (17)

If you get pretty to the Duke you can also buy the Software Signature Scrambler, which hides any illegal software from the Police. Just to make sure, that's Illegal SOFTWARE, not illegal wares.
And yes, the SOS is the only illegal software you can get....
It's Dangerous to CLS alone! Take this.
And yes, the SOS is the only illegal software you can get....
It's Dangerous to CLS alone! Take this.
I will be the one to take you down!

Specoguey (14)

It's Dangerous to CLS alone! Take this.
- RandomTank
- RandomTank

CLS have a LOT of different applications, you can probably figure that out from the guide

If you want more details on the theory, I highly recommend you read the guide from the man himself

(Apologies for the somewhat heavy reading

Madder than a Bastard on fathers day.
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD

Eagleguey (11)

oh doh....I know what CLS is...I dont know what I was thinking lol. Thanks guys for the links, that will be read for sure and bookmarked. There is one thing...where do you buy the CLS software in AP? It isnt coming up when I search for it on the site. do you get on Duke's good side?
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