Thank you AlphanInfidel. To be honest, I dont mind running moddified as I feel it adds more realism to the game from my point of view. I like having drones pick up the various missiles after a fight, I like having them or my marines repair my ship, ect. but for this time I just wanted to run vanilla and just see how egosoft wanted us to see it.
I was sitting at a dock and the lady came over the intercom and said "Egosoft would like to thank you for purchasing their products." I chuckled at that one lol.
Question: Do I collect the boxes now for use with my current ship, or do I try to save them for "THE" ship that I hope to get one day?
Question 2: How are people obtaining the Hyperion from the comments at And I am thinking that this would be "THE" ship to use the boxes on.
Questions by Redheart, Answers by you


Eagleguey (11)


Proguey (12)

The address you've included in your post shows that the Hyperion can't be bought, but can be boarded. Also it seems to come as part of the Poisoned Paranid start with a 'random roll' for overtuning, which could render using Pandora crates unnecessary.
I am an Alien!

Eagleguey (11)

Ok so the only way I can obtain it is by boarding. Now, should I over tune the Nova Prototype that I have with the crates I find or should I just save them and hope they are still there when I get a Hyperion?....oh so many questions.

Trueguey (22)

I would save the crates for a better ship, because you cant get them back once you use them. And some of the bigger ships make much more use of them.

Eagleguey (11)

Can I go and collect the crates now or do you have to collect them with the ship your going to use them on?

Proguey (12)

It must be the ship you want them for, they are not transferable.
I am an Alien!

Eagleguey (11)

AAHHHHhhh....I am literally sitting here trying to figure out what I need to do ok...need an Elephant so I am able to do build I need to run basic missions to collect the money and stop staring at the stock exchange screen.
Made enough in missions and mainly stock market to buy the Elephant, Large Ore, and Large Silicon with complex for the Unknown sector. This will be my main base as I learned from TC.
Stupid question, how do you do the scan for illegal items missions? I have a transport scanner and when I scan ships, it says illegal scan reported. wtf??
Made enough in missions and mainly stock market to buy the Elephant, Large Ore, and Large Silicon with complex for the Unknown sector. This will be my main base as I learned from TC.
Stupid question, how do you do the scan for illegal items missions? I have a transport scanner and when I scan ships, it says illegal scan reported. wtf??

Specoguey (14)

You'll need a police license for the relevant race's sectors before you can do those missions. Despite offering you the job the locals obviously don't think to ask if you're licensed to actually scan ships

Madder than a Bastard on fathers day.
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD

Eagleguey (11)

Now that is what I kinda thought but was not really sure. Thanks Kirlack.

Eagleguey (11)

As for luring a hired TL into unknown/pirate space: yep, that's a well known means of jacking TLs. Personally, I just go for civvie ones instead, but hey, I'm a pirate at heart
What do you mean civvie ones? What civilian TL are there in AP?

Trueguey (22)

What do you mean civvie ones? What civilian TL are there in AP?
I think the Arena's are TL's

Eagleguey (11)

Thanks Roguey, If the Arena is a civvie TL then I will definitely try to board those, as I wouldnt want to cause any harm to my military brother in arms. LOL
Stock Market is basically funding my fleet of Caimen Super Transport XL's. lol.
Stock Market is basically funding my fleet of Caimen Super Transport XL's. lol.

Specoguey (14)

Arenas, Casion Ships and Hospital ships are what I mean by 'civvie' TLs. They usually hang out in their respective race's core sectors, so you might have to deal with angry police forces, but the civvie ships have no weapons, and often no internal countermeasures, so they're generally a quick and simple cap

Madder than a Bastard on fathers day.
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD

Eagleguey (11)

Looking at getting into the weapons production and just wondered what is the best missile to have on hand for the Nova, Centaur, and Hyperion?
Also wanting to begin to outfit my mobile force, you know the TL with fighters to assist me in missions. Which fighter do you personally feel is best suited to deal with fighters but shielded enough for warzone area?
And, in AP is there a reason to keep the Yaki on good terms? I have had a few missions that called for the dispatching of them and they are hostile now to me.
Also wanting to begin to outfit my mobile force, you know the TL with fighters to assist me in missions. Which fighter do you personally feel is best suited to deal with fighters but shielded enough for warzone area?
And, in AP is there a reason to keep the Yaki on good terms? I have had a few missions that called for the dispatching of them and they are hostile now to me.

Trueguey (22)

Arenas, Casion Ships and Hospital ships are what I mean by 'civvie' TLs.
Arent civilian TL's unarmed too?
suited to deal with fighters but shielded enough for warzone area?
Any with over 100MJ worth of shielding (or more); basically the M3+ range.
And, in AP is there a reason to keep the Yaki on good terms?
Well as far as I know there isnt much reason, they can be an odd bunch too (sometimes going hostile for no-reason).
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