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Rc2870 avatar
Rc2870  •  3 years ago  •  beluga bertha (Ship build)
Robigo Hauser's Reach to Sirius Atmospherics 100 Million an hour.
Roguey avatar
Roguey  •  3 years ago  •  New Farnhams Legacy site online
thanks for your kind words Smile
Roguey avatar
Roguey  •  3 years ago  •  New Farnhams Legacy site online
hi there, which games do you mean? cos I havnt made any myself, I did make some mods and that. As for X3AP, none of the updates should cause you to loose your progress.
Just_Storm avatar
Just_Storm  •  3 years ago  •  New Farnhams Legacy site online
Hey Roguey! I used to play your games as kid, I have a question, if there is going to be update, since X3AP had 3 of them, will it delete my saved games? I still have issues with previous X3 version. Thanks for hearing me out!
MasterDarkX avatar
MasterDarkX  •  3 years ago  •  New Farnhams Legacy site online
Thanks for all the hard work on the site, everything looks amazing! I know I'll be cross-referencing it a lot as I play the new expansion.
bec1977 avatar
bec1977  •  3 years ago  •  New galaxy map
Thank you !
yes, this version is already better than the old one.
This website deserve the best X4 Foundations Map. So make it better step by step.
There are some errors, like the faction color of Silent Witness XII and XI (but it's a detail...)
More important is the overall appearance and the usability, you could improve that, so your map is just the best one existing.
Appearance: I would suggest to highlight the circular super highway, change the arrow type if it's a portal or an accelerator who's linking sectors...
Usuability: Your map must bu easly seen in full screen, be zoomed in and out and move when zoomed.
If you achieve this, your map will be shared as a "must have"
bonus: you could mark data vaults, abandonned ships... and maybe highlight the key sectors (station with a Faction Representative..)
One more time, thank you for the work done !

Kane_Hart avatar
Kane_Hart  •  3 years ago  •  New galaxy map
Thank you the map is much much better now. I was sticking to the made ones on a single image because I found the other one a bit harder to use. This for sure modernizes it and offers a lot more info.
Phlt avatar
Phlt  •  3 years ago  •  The recent shut-down of the X4 site
I know by experience (Xchange Guild site closed now) how it can be frustrated to work hard for free for others and having the feeling of being alone sometimes. People rarely give a praise, but everyone is appreciating in silence. That's the way it is. Your site is a great one, very useful for the community. Keep up the good work!
fNarkos avatar
fNarkos  •  3 years ago  •  New galaxy map
Great job! Thx, man.Picture
Roguey avatar
Roguey  •  3 years ago  •  New DLC - Farnhams Legacy
that makes sense, technically I already have some doubling-up of stuff; X3TC and X3AP share quite a lot ships, stations etc.
I just hope that ive updated my code enough to make it an easy thing to do.
Its great to hear feedback on it.
timski avatar
timski  •  3 years ago  •  New DLC - Farnhams Legacy
As described, Farnham's Legacy includes "(Almost) Everything from X3: Terran Conflict and X3: Albion Prelude", which is what can be said of X3:AP in regard to X3:TC. Meaning (1) there will be differences, even if much of the game is familiar, and (2) Farnham's Legacy isn't just a patch for X3:AP, so players may continue on with X3:AP separately. So Farnham's Legacy needs to be separately identified, like X3:AP, even if in practice you're duplicating half the data.
Roguey avatar
Roguey  •  3 years ago  •  New DLC - Farnhams Legacy
I cant see why Farnham's Legacy wont be on the site; I just dont what way to do it; do I make a separte site or bung it on the X3AP site? hmm - what do you think?

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