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A recent list of comments posted on the site.

ArgonUmad avatar
ArgonUmad  •  2 years ago  •  Argon Mammoth
The best TL
ArgonUmad avatar
ArgonUmad  •  2 years ago  •  ATF Aegir
The best frigate
ArgonUmad avatar
ArgonUmad  •  2 years ago  •  Split Mamba Raider
Fast and soft. Start scenario gift spaceship.
Freelanc3r avatar
Freelanc3r  •  2 years ago  •  Is Elite Dangerous EOL?
Elite is not reaching EOL the company has simply realized that supporting multiple platforms stretched them be it either in talent or covid or finance. Its a good thing. I recently purchased Odyssey despite reviews and think its really awesome, yes it has quirks but no other game gives me this experience and smoothly. And after trying SC.. I wish frontier all the best and am backing them 100%.
Howdoyoupurr avatar
Howdoyoupurr  •  2 years ago  •  Egosoft announces X4: Tides of Avarice
I just wanted to thank you for creating the X Series bible site. Have been appreciating your effort since x2 when I first met you by reading your thoughts Roguey and your site.
bec1977 avatar
bec1977  •  2 years ago  •  Tides of Avarice releases today
Thx for your work, just perfect !
Scott avatar
Scott  •  2 years ago  •  Alliance Chieftain
The beams strip sheilds fast the small cannon in subject to change
MacRaven avatar
MacRaven  •  2 years ago  •  Is Elite Dangerous EOL?
Thats to bad,i really like Elite.I would love to go back and play but it looks like it might be awile or maybe not at all.????????
Roguey avatar
Roguey  •  2 years ago  •  Anaconda
done, thanks for letting me know. if there are any more missing please let me know.
Buccanerd avatar
Buccanerd  •  2 years ago  •  Anaconda
can you add the 3A seeker missile rack please? it's not an option here but it's in game.
JimBDiGriz avatar
JimBDiGriz  •  2 years ago  •  rat trader (Ship build)
Very much a work in progress. Need to get better/lighter sub-systems. All suggestions welcome
mkmark avatar
mkmark  •  2 years ago  •  Terran Kogarasu Maru Hauler
Focus crystal & quantum processor are not listed in the production requirements. I have not acquired the blueprint myself but I read from everywhere that some special ships consume these, including Kogarasu Maru.

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