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Roguey avatar
Roguey  •  2 years ago  •  Egosoft announces X4: Tides of Avarice
Yea I could Smile
Shi_Man avatar
Shi_Man  •  2 years ago  •  Egosoft announces X4: Tides of Avarice
Yep, that's gonna be big. Hope that base ship models would be updated to match the design of the DLC ones...
Besides Roguey, you're planning to use dark orange for ToA ships and equipment? Big grin
HarryKirri avatar
HarryKirri  •  2 years ago  •  New galaxy map
Thank you for this site. Big fan of X series. Really like the map and ship and wares lookup.
Roguey avatar
Roguey  •  2 years ago  •  Terran Plot guide
glad the guide helped, many thanks!
brigandphantos avatar
brigandphantos  •  2 years ago  •  Terran Plot guide
I've only unlocked Terran Space once, by siding with them. But I never went past that point. Thanks for the guides this makes my decision on what to do easier.
asgardschosen avatar
asgardschosen  •  2 years ago  •  The recent shut-down of the X4 site
Hi Roguey,
I've been a fan of your site for years. I recognize the quantity of blood sweat and tears it takes to maintain a site like this. Keeping it up to date is not a simple task. I greatly appreciate the work you've put in here. As someone else said, I keep coming back to the X series over the years, and every time I do, I always return here for useful info. Thanks for keeping on!
MacRaven avatar
MacRaven  •  2 years ago  •  New galaxy map
I know i have not been around for awile but i always love your stuff,keep up the good work bud.
brigandphantos avatar
brigandphantos  •  2 years ago  •  Farnhams Legacy Plot guide
Good guide. Only thing different about my game from the last page, is for some reason I choose Boron every time, and it resets my Boron reputation to neutral and puts me at 8 with the Paranid. Regardless of who I choose. Bug?
Roguey avatar
Roguey  •  2 years ago  •  Split Acinonyx Prototype
Well I boarded mine, as im not friendly with the Split atm. Maybe you could use diplomat to unlock special ships without being hostile?
Captain_Ginko avatar
Captain_Ginko  •  2 years ago  •  Split Acinonyx Prototype
Does anybody know how I can get this ship or BP In FL ?
StevieLee avatar
StevieLee  •  2 years ago  •  Argon Military Transport
I have a good picture of this one. I re-worked it for a personal mod and got the cockpit/turrets set up properly and beefed it up a bit. There is no player controlled guns (unless you wish to modify the actual scene file), so I added guns to other turrets and upped weapons power to compensate.
Da_V_Man avatar
Da_V_Man  •  2 years ago  •  Terran Kogarasu Maru Hauler

This is the special ship they made for X3:FL, and it shows. You get it at the end of the Terran Plot.

It's like the Hyperion Vanguard+. The only con compared to it is that only 1 ship can be docked instead of 2.

You can fire boarding pods, and with PBCs in the front turret you can take on capital ships from a distance. It holds enough marines to capture commonwealth capital ships, assuming you fry their internal sentry lasers and marines first. And you can *with* this ship because it can equip Ion Disruptors. In it I've captured pirate TLs, M7s, M1s and M2s, and a Paranid M1. The shielding means it can take a decent beating, and with the updated Cargo Bay Shielding you can tank some hull damage too without losing equipment, worst case.

It has a lot of flexibility because of its large cargo hold for an M6, and weapon compatibility. With Pandora crates I over-tuned mine to 400m/s and I find it works really well for it.

My weapon loadout is as follows:

Main Guns:
- 4-6 ISRs for damage.
- 2 Ion Disruptors for equipment stripping. If I need them, I switch out 2 ISRs.
- 2 PBEs for capping fighters/keeping shields down.
- 1 Tractor Beam if needed

Front Turret
- 2 PBCs

Other turrets
- All PRGs for their projectile speed.

The laser recharge is highest in class (IIRC), and even if you use it all, the recharge rate means it will come back very quickly.

The only downside is that you can effectively only have one, because of the focus crystal & quantum processor requirements for rebuilding it after reverse engineering.

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