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mfds avatar
mfds  •  3 weeks ago  •  Terran Springblossom
aonly thing missing here is boarding pods, for the rest is more than enough.
mfds avatar
mfds  •  3 weeks ago  •  Teladi Vulture Miner
Best starting trader low cost , miner , low upgrade cost for cargo, logistic mk3 easily to get ... set jump at 95% of shield plus mosquito defence and it is done,
Roguey avatar
Roguey  •  1 month ago  •  X4: Timelines
thanks for letting me know, I was trying to find the name of it but nothing matched.
Shi_Man avatar
Shi_Man  •  1 month ago  •  X4: Timelines
The color I've proposed (#c50d4f) in the post, is named (via ColorHexa): Strong Pink.
Davatar avatar
Davatar  •  2 months ago  •  Argon Griffon
Reward of the Operation Finaly Fury plot
Davatar avatar
Davatar  •  2 months ago  •  Terran Spitfyre
Double hull strength of X3TC
Davatar avatar
Davatar  •  2 months ago  •  Terran Springblossom
4x Hull Strength and 3x Energy Recharge of X3TC
miasayokoo avatar
miasayokoo  •  2 months ago  •  Is Elite Dangerous EOL?
it’s really great post as I found it very much, useful and informative
Davatar avatar
Davatar  •  2 months ago  •  Argon Eclipse Prototype
TerraCorp Rank 10 Reward - Not Buyable
Davatar avatar
Davatar  •  2 months ago  •  Paranid Hyperion Vanguard
Not as good as the Springblossom, but 2nd choice.
Davatar avatar
Davatar  •  2 months ago  •  Terran Springblossom
The Springblossom is the best M6 in the game. The speed outmaches the Vanguard by faaaar.
Davatar avatar
Davatar  •  2 months ago  •  ATF Vidar
The Vidar is pretty good until you can reach for the Springblossom

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