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tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Split Elephant
It is the best and worst in its class in several ways. Best: cheapest, biggest hangar bay, most energy reserve (almost double) and the highest energy regeneration of the TLs, and it has the fastest speed. Cons: It has the smallest cargo bay.

As far as TLs go, this is the one you would pick for quick deliveries of stations, and for the toughest battle ready transporter. It is the best for station building missions, and is perfectly fine as the players TL (since the speed makes up for the smaller cargo bay with similar total time to set up your complex). I like it, and I think it looks cool.
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Boron Guppy
Beautiful, and a great starter carrier; cheap, with decent combat ability comparable to an m6, and it can dock a transport.
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Terran Yokohama
The Terrans have no bad ships. The Terran Yokohama is a great anti-fighter, anti-m6 ship similar in role to the Argon Cerberus from the commonwealth side. Like all Terran M7s though, they have no anti-capital ship weapons, and have to rely on Wraith Missiles or their smarts to win a matchup against bigger ships.
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Argon Heavy Centaur Prototype
As others have said, this is a great player ship with decent all round abilities, and 10 guns that can shoot directly forwards. It however can not be bought, and must be captured.
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Split Acinonyx Prototype
The highest hitting m6 with 14 (12+2) frontal guns.
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Xenon Q
The king of OOS combat.
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Goner Aran
This ship can be captured when it spawns in UFJD sectors. Why would you want one? Well it can dock anything, including other M1s, M2s, and it has absolutely massive storage space (not including the millions in cargo bay you can get from docked ships). Quite simply, this is a logistics station, but it can move and jump between sectors.
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Argon Aamon Prototype
Great weapon selection.
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Argon Griffon Sentinel
What a monster of an M7C. It is the only M7C that can actually fight as an M7, in addition to its drone carrier role.
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Argon Cerberus
This is a great middle of the road m7. It is not the ideal m7 for taking out m1, and m2s, but against anything m7 and below its more than enough, and it is a great patrol craft.
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Terran Maccana
The Terran Maccana should have been called the Terran Shinigami, because this ship is the god of death. It plays, and feels a lot like a missile frigate (m7m); that is to say that you as the player will jump in, and can destroy the entire sector (stations, response fleet included) without ever moving from your safe vantage point high above the battlefield. Between ordering your 100s, or 1000s of drones around, launching 100 wraith missiles at your targets (which bypass missile defence because the drones provide so much cover/distraction), and commanding your wing of m3s around (which are also protected by the drone cover distracting ships and turrets), you just project so much power than you can easily wipe any war sector or response fleet off the map.

I am not sure how this drone frigate compares to the other ones. I know the paranid and boron drone frigates are also quite good. However the Maccana’s combination of shield, speed, and wraith missile compatibility make it amazing, if not the best out of the bunch.
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Paranid Agamemnon
This is a very powerful M7. Especially when using the frankly overpowered PSGs. A full wrack of PSGs in the cockpit guns can take down an M2s 10 GJ shields in about 10 seconds. Now if you put PSG on the side turrets too, there is no M6 or lower that can touch you. M7Ms? Also not a threat against your PSGs. This ship is unstoppable. The only downside is micromanaging your friendly fire.

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