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Roguey avatar
Roguey  •  1 year ago  •  Impulse Ray Emitter
hi there, in the past my code had a bug. It was fixed awhile ago, but I guess I missed refreshing the cache for these pages. Hopefully now everything is correct?
Renegade avatar
Renegade  •  1 year ago  •  Impulse Ray Emitter
Several stations are not in the sectors listed.
Davatar avatar
Davatar  •  1 year ago  •  Farnhams Legacy Plot guide
It seems like the best choices in terms of reputation gain are to either choose the pirates or The Duke. This will boost your reputation back to neutral/positive with the given fraction and doesn't have any negative influence on the others.
DHLF avatar
DHLF  •  1 year ago  •  Asp Explorer
Internal Compartments.. nowadays there is one more internal compartment type C1 (planetary landing suite?)
DHLF avatar
DHLF  •  1 year ago  •  Asp Explorer
Utility mount: Missing those anti-Xenon Wave device.. maybe field neutralisator?
ArgonUmad avatar
ArgonUmad  •  2 years ago  •  Roguey X3AP Mod
Map not good, wrong sectors name all time Cry

NimphiaSylveon avatar
NimphiaSylveon  •  2 years ago  •  Diamondback Explorer
I went to the location to get the ship cause I felt I had enough based on the info here but it turned out the ship was 1.8 M credits not 1.6 M
ArgonUmad avatar
ArgonUmad  •  2 years ago  •  Khaak Fighter
I found one armed with 3 x Beta K and claim Smile
ArgonUmad avatar
ArgonUmad  •  2 years ago  •  Dukes Citadel beta (X3FL)
south west is pirate base.
ArgonUmad avatar
ArgonUmad  •  2 years ago  •  Teladi Tern
This is heavy frigate, not light. Shild is evidence and big cargo space.
ArgonUmad avatar
ArgonUmad  •  2 years ago  •  Teladi Tern
This is heavy frigate, not light. Shild is evidence.
ArgonUmad avatar
ArgonUmad  •  2 years ago  •  Paranid Hyperion
The best spaceship.

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