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JcobGay4FlailnLsrTwr avatar
JcobGay4FlailnLsrTwr  •  1 year ago  •  Boron Thresher
Method: Enter the hostile sector with the Thresher. If you scouted and they are camping at the nearest gate, you want to jump to the opposite side of the sector, because if you enter with M2s and M7s immediately firing on you point blank, you're dead. Since our Thresher is a glass cannon, we HAVE to get the first hit, or at worst trade simultaneous blows. Pick a Capitol target, such as a Xenon J, Akuma, Brigantine. We are going to do a single bombing strafe then jump in sector or one sector over in a tactical retreat. When you head towards the capitol, if hostile, they will turn towards you. We are going to play chicken.
JcobGay4FlailnLsrTwr avatar
JcobGay4FlailnLsrTwr  •  1 year ago  •  Boron Thresher
Here is my method for using the Thresher to take out Capitols in a single pass; while mitigating fighter damage. You will need: 10 IonC in the main (the slow+weapon energy drain is important here),7 antifighter guns (IonDs, the arc effect is nice or EBoltChain guns for energy), 4 CIGs for the rear turret set to "Attack my Target", Turbo BoosterMk.2, minimum 250 Ecells, 6-8 Tornado/Hornet missiles or 20 Thunderbolt missiles, 50 Mosquitoes set to missile defense in special commands, 50-100 antifighter missiles; hurricanes and/or wasps. I know thats a lot of missiles, but we have to leverage our large cargo space to make up for the weapon regen shortcoming.
Optional: Fighter Drones, M4+/M3/M6 Escort Wing loaded with Tornadoes (also M8s would work), nix previous missile loadout and just use an M7M such as the Aquilo (this is by far the best missile boat, only con is cant use boarding pods).

tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Phased Shockwave Generator
This weapon hits way harder than its stats would suggest. The 8 forward facing phased shockwave generators on my Agamemnon can destroy a Boreas’ 8 gj shield in about 5 seconds. So I guess the damage per minute is actually higher than any other weapon (against shields).
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  ATF Skirnir
The best M7M for combat, but no boarding pods.
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Argon Albion Pride
This would be a great ship to mass produce at your Hq, if you could reverse engineer it. The production costs are lower than many M3s so it is a very spammable ship.
gigaChadow avatar
gigaChadow  •  1 year ago  •  Disney Pixar's UP (Review)
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Plasma Burst Generator
This hits multiple times and is actually one of the highest hitting weapons out there
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Paranid Hyperion Vanguard
The best m6
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Argon Titan
I thought this was going to be a feeble ship compared to the Boreas, but I was wrong. The Titan is devastating.
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Split Pteranodon
I watched an npc pteranodon wander into Neptune and proceed to destroy the Terran response fleet that came to kill it. One destroyer against a fleet, and it won. It was interesting to watch.
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Split Elephant
It is the best and worst in its class in several ways. Best: cheapest, biggest hangar bay, most energy reserve (almost double) and the highest energy regeneration of the TLs, and it has the fastest speed. Cons: It has the smallest cargo bay.

As far as TLs go, this is the one you would pick for quick deliveries of stations, and for the toughest battle ready transporter. It is the best for station building missions, and is perfectly fine as the players TL (since the speed makes up for the smaller cargo bay with similar total time to set up your complex). I like it, and I think it looks cool.
tylersloeper avatar
tylersloeper  •  1 year ago  •  Boron Guppy
Beautiful, and a great starter carrier; cheap, with decent combat ability comparable to an m6, and it can dock a transport.

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