Teladian mud is a very fine silty type of sediment found at the bottom of rivers and swamps on the Teladi planet. This mud when dried out becomes a hard mineral called Teladianium. This mineral later can be mixed with certain chemicals, processed and can even be added to synthetic plastics to create a tough flexible material stronger than hardened steel but much lighter. In space Teladianium is produced in chemical plants called Teladianium foundries. Teladianium is used throughout the X universe by many races in the construction of buildings and the interior structures of spaceships and space stations.Summary
Ware ID | SS_WARE_R255 |
Ware Price | 56 to 256 credits (range 200) |
Notoriety | -100 points |
Cargo | 5 (M) |
Sale locations (Max 50)
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