Realm of the Trinity (faction)

The Realm of the Trinity is the unified successor to the former states of the Godrealm of the Paranid and the Holy Order of the Pontifex. Through its inception, the unthinkable geometric paradox of the two Pontifices has been remedied, and thus the Paranid Civil War officially brought to an end. Though there were numerous attempts to sabotage the negotiations, including a heinous attack on the construction site of the anonymously funded Sacrosanct Conclave, unity was ultimately achieved and defended by a most holy alliance of benefactors and proponents of peace. The political goals of the Trinity of Pontifices remain yet unknown, though it is universally expected that they will use their newly gained power to shift the political climate of the network towards peaceful coexistence.

Historical record: Godrealm of the Paranid
The Godrealm of the Paranid is a theocratic feudal society worshipping the concept of the three-dimensionality. They refer to their ancient holy texts to justify their archaic power structure and pervasive authority. Although this Godrealm has been cut off from Paranid Prime, they understand themselves to be the true purveyors of the Paranid faith. After the Gates realigned, their strict interpretation of this faith resulted in tensions with the Holy Order of the Pontifex, and eventually, a civil war broke out. Still, the Godrealm maintains that the ultimate goal is not to exterminate the Paranids fighting for Holy Order, but to welcome them back into the fold.

Historical record: Holy Order of the Pontifex
The Holy Order of the Pontifex established itself as an authority on Paranid religious affairs and took control of systems during the tumultuous times of the Gate Shutdown. Their Pontifex is shrouded in mystery and defends this radical new interpretation of the Paranid faith with a zealous frenzy. The Holy Order is steadfast in their beliefs, which puts them at odds with the Godrealm of the Paranid. They do not wish to eradicate the Godrealm, but to convert them to their beliefs. Their fanatic attitude is less accommodating towards non-Paranid heretics.

Faction licences

Paranid Capital Equipment Licence
Neutral (20), Ceremonyally,  
Paranid Capital Ship Licence
Neutral (20), Ceremonyally,  
Seeker of the Holy Light
Neutral (20),  
Creature of Merit
Neutral (10),  
Paranid General Use Equipment Licence
Neutral (-10),  
Paranid General Use Ship Licence
Neutral (-10),  
Paranid Military Equipment Licence
Neutral (10), Ceremonyfriend,  
Paranid Military Ship Licence
Neutral (10), Ceremonyfriend,  
Paranid Police Licence
156,000 cr, Neutral (10), Ceremonyfriend,  
Paranid Ship Sale Contract
1 cr, Neutral (20), Ceremonyally,  
Paranid Capital Ship Building Module Licence
Neutral (20), Ceremonyally,  
Paranid Ancillary Ship Building Module Licence
Neutral (20), Ceremonyally,  
Paranid Advanced Module Licence
Neutral (20), Ceremonyally,  
Paranid Basic Module Licence
Neutral (-10),  
Paranid Intermediate Module Licence
Neutral (10), Ceremonyfriend,  
Paranid Trade Offer Subscription
12,000,000 cr, Neutral (20), Ceremonyally,  

Default relations

Below is a list of relations to this faction, . The range goes between -30 (enemy) to +30 (ally).