Hi Bazr glad it worked for you yes most missions are illegal but I never got stopped perhaps I was lucky. I am back on PC some of the time now as I have replaced the PSU. Still using PS4 most of the time as my faction there is very active.
What have you been up to in Elite?


Stickguey (8)


Proguey (12)

yeh ok then, have changed my mind about illegal passengers as one night with maybe too much scotch whiskey onboard I said "stuff it " and started taking illegal missions as I though well I am way in front financially so wtf !
It worked out fine (seemed more money each mission ) and I still have not had to rebuy.
Got a bit sick of it as the explorer rank seems to be stuck on about 3% pioneer atm and not moving much.
Might refit the python for mining and have a go at that for a bit, if only for a new change and get material for engineer unlock.
JayVee re factions, I have only looked at the Chinese guy who gives double (i think) money for trading in exploration data, this would help hasten the grind to elite exploration right?
Seems though you have to grind him (lol) to rank 5 to get it....another grind for a grind hey ?
Do not know what that entails and I believe you have to maintain some sort of commitment each week to keep it right?
Dunno if it would be worth the hassal.
It worked out fine (seemed more money each mission ) and I still have not had to rebuy.
Got a bit sick of it as the explorer rank seems to be stuck on about 3% pioneer atm and not moving much.
Might refit the python for mining and have a go at that for a bit, if only for a new change and get material for engineer unlock.
JayVee re factions, I have only looked at the Chinese guy who gives double (i think) money for trading in exploration data, this would help hasten the grind to elite exploration right?
Seems though you have to grind him (lol) to rank 5 to get it....another grind for a grind hey ?
Do not know what that entails and I believe you have to maintain some sort of commitment each week to keep it right?
Dunno if it would be worth the hassal.

Cruguey (18)

Mining isn't bad for easy money tbh. Assuming it hasn't changed yet that is. I wouldn't say it is fun, but it sure is easy! But as I have done a lot of mining, i feel it necessary to share a tip before you head out: when you get to your mining spot, some ships will spawn if you are in or near the bubble. let em scan you and wait until they leave until you start mining. If you are fast enough you can also boost away until they eventually stop following.
GL on getting exploration to elite!
GL on getting exploration to elite!

Proguey (12)

Thanks for the tip mate
Would a point defence help at all ?
saw a vid where the guy used laser lancers I think ? apparently it was a different technique than the norm, but seemed to work ok..above my knowledge as I have not tried mining yet.
Might search for it again, he has made quite a few ED vids but his name escapes me atm.
Ps. "Mining python build guide | The Lancalot" by Down to Earth Astronomy

Would a point defence help at all ?
saw a vid where the guy used laser lancers I think ? apparently it was a different technique than the norm, but seemed to work ok..above my knowledge as I have not tried mining yet.
Might search for it again, he has made quite a few ED vids but his name escapes me atm.
Ps. "Mining python build guide | The Lancalot" by Down to Earth Astronomy

Cruguey (18)

No defenses are necessary... unless you are mining in a RES site or something (bad idea). Just find some pristine metallic rings and go for it.

Proguey (12)

just an update...changed my mind and did the Palin 5000ly from start thing, jumped in my 39ly jump range Cobra and headed that distance towards the middle with a station, quite an experience for a first timer.
Made it to the station but had a great laugh as I flew around for quite a few minutes with docking granted and could not find the bloody entrance lol...turns out it was a hole in the asteriod !
As I had only just honked each system to do the task quicker I was intending to sell all at the station just in case, ended up not doing that as the money was not worth the trouble so I headed back.......and died about half way back.....could not figure out why but ran out of air eventually as modules did not have enough power and the afmu was not working to repair things...used the repair ship option twice but that did not work either ?? even turned off modules but it did not help...dunno wtf caused it but obviously lost all my honking data....but at least I have the confirmation from Palin.
Also what I found I had to do a few times was revert to economical route when I keep getting stars without fueling.....even had to divert from planned route to find a close one to refuel...in the end if I had a bad run (often) I would automatically do this when the fuel got low. (yes I have the kgbfoam thing)
Not back yet but I have scanned a few bodies close to the star to get more data, still have about 80 jumps left to nearest station lol
Suppose I should apologize for the lengthy post but stuff it anyway...just don't read it
Made it to the station but had a great laugh as I flew around for quite a few minutes with docking granted and could not find the bloody entrance lol...turns out it was a hole in the asteriod !
As I had only just honked each system to do the task quicker I was intending to sell all at the station just in case, ended up not doing that as the money was not worth the trouble so I headed back.......and died about half way back.....could not figure out why but ran out of air eventually as modules did not have enough power and the afmu was not working to repair things...used the repair ship option twice but that did not work either ?? even turned off modules but it did not help...dunno wtf caused it but obviously lost all my honking data....but at least I have the confirmation from Palin.
Also what I found I had to do a few times was revert to economical route when I keep getting stars without fueling.....even had to divert from planned route to find a close one to refuel...in the end if I had a bad run (often) I would automatically do this when the fuel got low. (yes I have the kgbfoam thing)
Not back yet but I have scanned a few bodies close to the star to get more data, still have about 80 jumps left to nearest station lol
Suppose I should apologize for the lengthy post but stuff it anyway...just don't read it


Stickguey (8)

Hi Bazr, meant to ask you before how you're getting on with Voice Attack. I was on P.C recently setting my hotas to match config of hotas on PS4 and had to use astra to dock in station as I didn't have a keybind for that task. New graphics card on the way so will be on pc more often.

Proguey (12)

hi JayVee,
sorry for delay as I have been up the mountains trout fishing for a couple of weeks.
All I can say about VA is I love it !
There is a standard key binds routine for request docking that works well.
sequence with pause in between each...
included just in case you have not found it yet.
let me know if you want further info.
sorry for delay as I have been up the mountains trout fishing for a couple of weeks.
All I can say about VA is I love it !
There is a standard key binds routine for request docking that works well.
sequence with pause in between each...
included just in case you have not found it yet.
let me know if you want further info.

Proguey (12)

yeah you may have different key bindings so just in case here is the sequence you will use...
target left panel
next panel tab
next panel tab
ui panel select
ui panel down
ui panel select
previous panel tab
previous panel tab
target left panel (takes you back to cockpit )
target left panel
next panel tab
next panel tab
ui panel select
ui panel down
ui panel select
previous panel tab
previous panel tab
target left panel (takes you back to cockpit )

Stickguey (8)

Spitting my time now between PC and PS4 and looking forward to the new update next Tuesday.

Proguey (12)

hi JayVee,
found this interesting post regarding PS4VR and ED...........
have not had the time to try it yet but it sounds good!
found this interesting post regarding PS4VR and ED...........
have not had the time to try it yet but it sounds good!

Stickguey (8)

Looks very complicated, think I'll stick with my monitor. I don't even like wearing headphones, although a new member of our PS4 faction and I did wing up and use headsets to communicate and it was much easier than text.

Proguey (12)

that sounds like fun..was it in open ?
another part of the game that I would enjoy would be talking to others.
Got rescued by the Fuel Rats once and it was an embarassment not to have a mike and headphones hooked up and working.
do you have an agenda or just fly around together ?
Finally got an Anaconda but don't know what to do with it yet lol.
Jump range is well into the 50's so I may have a go at Colonia and try some Neutron jumping maybe.
another part of the game that I would enjoy would be talking to others.
Got rescued by the Fuel Rats once and it was an embarassment not to have a mike and headphones hooked up and working.
do you have an agenda or just fly around together ?
Finally got an Anaconda but don't know what to do with it yet lol.
Jump range is well into the 50's so I may have a go at Colonia and try some Neutron jumping maybe.

Stickguey (8)

Yes Bazr we play in open, member of a very active faction on PS4. If you want to friend me Cmdr Jake Valent on PC maybe we could wing up sometime

Proguey (12)

made a note of that Jake, so you play on PS4 with a group but not on PC ?
I assume in open you would need a strong ship, what actually do you do whilst in the wing can I ask ?
must say I have not been on PS4 for a while as I am building up my PC account because of VA and the potential of the VR option.
Have not checked but I think I have an assault ship in there somewhere, but I have not unlocked many of the engineers that would help in combat.
Also based in Jamison with a bit of cash lol !
ps. note I am in AUS so in +10 time zone.
I assume in open you would need a strong ship, what actually do you do whilst in the wing can I ask ?
must say I have not been on PS4 for a while as I am building up my PC account because of VA and the potential of the VR option.
Have not checked but I think I have an assault ship in there somewhere, but I have not unlocked many of the engineers that would help in combat.
Also based in Jamison with a bit of cash lol !
ps. note I am in AUS so in +10 time zone.
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