What have you been up to in Elite?

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SKYDOG1 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 5 years ago.

Power Distributor and a Power Plant but do not have a Power Generator. MAybe that is the problem. Where do I get one??? I have the PD up to a 1 and the PP up to a 1. I also do not see where you change it to an "A" - Just 1 - 5 (5 being the lowest, right?) So I have both of them on 1. Is that okay? - KikiPitts

Sorry, I meant power plant of course, the thing that kicks out the MW to the distributor which doles it out to the various units that need wiggly amps.

Go into 'Outfitting' and click on 'Core internal' ... then click on Power Plant and it will give you a list (if there's any for sale) usually from 'E' rated (lowest) up to 'A' rated (highest) which can usually supply more than enough power to run everything you want to but will cost you an arm an two legs in a large ship. I had to sell my wife and children to white slavers in order to A rate my power plant on the Krait II. But it was worth it!

BTW Outfitting will not allow you to fit any equipt. that goes over the maximum weight restriction. The Core internal stuff is set in stone. For instance, you cannot dump a 6* rated module into a 5* hole. Whatever numbers are shown for the module, that is the highest they can go.


KikiPitts avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

Most helpful, Guys (or Gals):
So, is there a market for an abusive uncle in white slavery market? I will pay to have him abducted!

Okay, you will be glad to hear that I actually had some success core mining yesterday!
I finally found a asteroid with Alexandrite in it....and cracked it, but it damaged my ship a bit, not much, as I was under 1m away. But something else happened, a few minutes later as I am manipulating the power needed for the moment (turn ab blaster to 5 along with everything not needed, so I can make the missiles ready to crack that baby turned on, then I have no idea what happened but suddenly I was counted down and blew me to dog poop.*

So, I rebought me ship! OH, I forgot to tell you that I cashed everything out but me Cobra Mark III (Kiki Pitts II - which I will never sell - until I buy the ultimate fighting ship - I have decked out the Cobra so prettily. No, it is not pink, it is graphite, but it does have pink tail smoke lol) Anywaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, I sold that stupid Keelback (someone talked me into getting it for core mining...wrong!) and my Viper, and my hauler - everything but Kiki Pitts II - and bought an Asp Explorer!

So, blew it up first time. Went back out there and found, get this: one asteroid with void opals and one with low temp diamonds. Had to dump a few limpets to have enough cargo space (one drawback of Asp is low cargo space.) So, went back and cashed out. 10M!!!!!!! Most money I ever had. So...here comes the question.

I goes back out - 45 minutes of looking and nothing. Finally, I find a core of Alexandrite, and here comes me question: I am doing everything right, abrasion blasting, deploying limpets, etc. and it says "Refinery Full" so I remembered a video...I opened up limpets in right panel and dump some. 30 seconds or so later, "Refinery Full" so I figure I am making some serious cash here! So, I dump some more limpets to make room and finally have dumped all limpets as I think I have filled me cargo space.

Here really comes the question: After 3 hours of mining and traveling, I goes back home, open commodities panel, and scanning down, I have NO cargo! No Alexandrite, no nothing!!
Somehow, I think, making space because the "Refinery was full" dumped my Alex TOO! Idiot!

I cannot figure out why I successfully did it on the first haul of 10M (with 12 void opals and 6 low temp diamonds) but was so stupid on second haul - somehow winding up with ZERO in cargo hold.

What is the science - the correct way - of dumping limpets so you don't throw away your booty when the "Refinery is full"?????

I am pretty ticked I made 10M but mystified by my overconfident second trip (well third trip if you count the dog poop episode).

*By the time I fitted it out I had just enough for insurance saved (and Needed it!)

coloured textCommander Kiki Pittscoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured text

KikiPitts avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

Oh, and guys, another quick question. Is there an advantage of going thru Steam to play ED? I just go right to Oculus site and sign in.

coloured textCommander Kiki Pittscoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured text

JayVee avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

I haven't mined for a long time, when you went out first time you collected opals and diamonds I guess they didn't need refining. The refinery isn't anything to do with cargo space Alexandrite must be a mineral that needs refining, a refinery has a number of buckets depending on it's size. Your limpets will be bringing back other materials other than Alexandrite. If you got to your right hand panel click on inventory and you can access your refinery and dump any unwanted materials. I hope this helps


KikiPitts avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

So, I finally find some void opals again, and decide to to to Sinclair Station to get 1,650,000 per my 12 containers and I get interdicted twice and blown out of the sky only a few meters away from the market. I see why they are have the highest price...you can't get there.

OKAY, any advice on how to handle these dicks? This is my second time on Open Play....and why would someone blow you up and not even ask for your cargo or something? All mornings work for nada. Discouraging

coloured textCommander Kiki Pittscoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured text

Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 5 years ago.

Are you sure it was a player? NPCs do that as well.


jlippo avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 5 years ago.

Fly some thing bigger? I dunno but I am about to start mining too because its a great way to make money. I think I am going to use the Python. I've been in my DE making 900ly trips and scanning stuff to make money but its S-L-O-W and mining might be a little faster, especially if I can bring back 192t of void opals at a time. Also if I have the Python, the shields should hold long enough for me to bash any baddies that try to take my cargo. In my travels I have several ringed worlds that are only a few jumps away and I NEVER see anyone else there. Also I'm pretty sure that any station will buy valuable stuff, so finding a remote station is probably a good idea. There's a lot of dickheads out there, so be careful. Get good at keeping to the escape route when you get interdicted!

Also I don't know whats up with the formatting here but hit "enter" twice and it will keep text off your name. Or....am I the only one that's seeing that?


SKYDOG1 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 5 years ago.

Most helpful, Guys (or Gals):
So, is there a market for an abusive uncle in white slavery market? I will pay to have him abducted!

- KikiPitts

The white slavers say they have an opening (probably not the most delicate choice of word) for a night shift worker in a Gay Sex Brothel ... that should keep him occupied and out of your hair.

And they say they'll take him off your hands for free! Does he scrub up well? Dizzy


KikiPitts avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

I dunno SD1 but they are welcome to scrub him until they find skin or deeper. We called him Uncle Chester the Molester. Never did a day of time, because people in the family were worried about the reputation of the family, and his retail business and reputation, more than all the teen girls he has probably messed with. He still attends family reunions like everything is fine. "Just keep your distance," our parents told us. What about girls in his mall store? Or delivering pizza? Or doing cleaning of his store and home? He is also a rich dick, which helps. Says, "I would make a great president!" LOL are you kidding?

Sorry to go on and on.......but me thinks we hit a sore spot. (8-D ya think, KP??)

NEwaaaaaaaaaaay, I do not know if was an NPC that blew me up. I thought in Open Play everyone you saw was real? And everyone in Soloplay was an NPC. I have been interdicted numerous times in solo play but no one ever tried to blow me up...well, wait, ONE time, but I got away. This time it was two interdictions on the same galactic trip (in two different systems) and they both aimed to slaughter me, the last one succeeding.

BQ (Big Question! What do you mean "keep to the escape route" when interdicted???? I never knew there was such a thing. I just hit boost but on last one my FSD was down...so was sitting duck.

Maybe we should form a Mining Company?

CAn you "Share wealth" in ED? Could I buy something from some (real) one in open play? So, if you had a mining company then the people on the MM (mining mission) could go out and protect one another or help spot a rich area, or help scoop up minerals, etc. Then just divide proceeds.

I want to come out in People Play but after yesterday, dang!

coloured textCommander Kiki Pittscoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured text

JayVee avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

Most of the time in open you won't come across another player, best to play safe and use solo if your carrying a lot of something valuable.If you look in the top panel - History if it was a cmdr **** killed you. In my case yesterday it was cmdr startravel, The other option is to join Mobius and fly in that Private Group which is what I'm about to do.


jlippo avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 5 years ago.

Maybe consider getting the hell out of wherever you are with that many dickheads. I'm currently at Ray Gateway in the Diaguandri system and there seems to be a lower incidence of live Commanders who are only out to make life miserable for others. I don't get interdicted at all by live commanders. As an aside, in open play there are both NPC and Live. You can tell on your radar. If there is a solid contact (as in, the square or triangle is filled in) its NPC. If not, Its a live Commander. I ALWAYS make contact with live Commanders because believe it or not, a lot of us want to team up and go kick some ass or make millions mining with some fighter escort, or such as that. There is safety in numbers, especially if those numbers include a couple A-rated big gunships.

That being said, if you are coming back with a large load of something that's worth millions, you are going to get interdicted no question. When that happens, a symbol will pop up on your screen called "ESCAPE VECTOR". Keep it in your crosshairs and chase it until you either lose it or the interdiction is unsuccessful, in which case you will still be in supercruise mode and can get back on course for whatever station you were headed for, or jump to the next system, whatever. If it happens again, repeat the procedure. If you get interdicted close enough to a station, the cops will come help you.

The bottom line is the galaxy is VAST and there are places to go in open play that you really don't have to worry about because not everyone is an ass. At Ray Gateway there are a lot of live Commanders, although the number has dropped lately. People get bored. Also at Ray Gateway things are 15% discounted. so that 50 million credit ship you're looking at isn't going to be 50 million. The unpopulated void is about 6 jumps away with a lot of ringed planets ripe for mining. You could literally start a mining squadron if you wanted.

As far as "Sharing wealth" that is pretty much limited to Wing Missions. One person gets a mission, shares it with the wing, and when the mission is complete, everyone gets paid. The real way to do this is get someone with high rank and rep to acquire the missions, then you go with the wing to contribute and complete the mission. Then everyone goes back to the station where you got the mission to collect. Piece of cake really.

Also remember that theres no cross platform play (yet) so if youre PC, come on out and I will not shoot at you! Promise.


Bazr avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 5 years ago.

+1 for Python as great mining ship


KikiPitts avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

You guys are so helpful...and I feel like an idiot that these fundamental things I missed.
So the filled in squares and triangles on my radar are NPCs? What about those white solid rectangles with tails...like I think my capturing limpets show up white on my screen and so does the Nav Beacon...

Thanks for the Escape Clause in being interdicked, I never knew that. I get so jangled. Like I hit my space bar for a chad launcher but always forget...because I get panicky under fire and am just trying to serpentine fly and boost every chance I can make it happen. Would launching chad really help?

A Mining Squadron?? That's it!! I want to have a Mining Squadron!

After I check out the rings in this other planet in Luyten 674-15 solar system, I will come over!

So, a) Get a Python, b) Join a mining squadrun, c) hang out at Ray Gateway.

(and watch for escape vectors, because I WILL get interdicted!) Got it!
Thanks so muuuuuuuuuuuuch!

coloured textCommander Kiki Pittscoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured textcoloured text

JayVee avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

Don't buy new ships until you get to Ray Gateway as there is a discount there. You will come across cmdrs there as Diaguandri is controlled by a human faction but they are O.K people


jlippo avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 5 years ago.

OK so go to Ray Gateway first, then do all that other stuff. Also there are good missions at Ray so you can make a few credits to build rep and influence. The commanders you will see there is Me, Redshift, Arch Baker, Kraylog and a few others. However we are not always there and there are also others that I have yet to add to my friends list. Arch is probably the highest ranked on my list although I am sure there are others higher than him, and Redshift is Elite in some things. I have a Python for mining so if you want to copy it you can.

The white contacts on your radar are "non-ship" contacts, such as canisters, wakes, data points, beacons, and materials. When you blow up a ship or come across some wreckage, make sure you scoop up all that stuff that is left behind. Sometimes picking up cargo that isnt yours is called "illegal salvage" so if you come up with that stuff, dump it while in supercruise. DO NOT dump it at or near a station or you will get fined. There is also a difference between "Illegal" and "Illicit" cargo.

As for the Escape Vector, it will show up right in front of you when the interdiction starts. Try to keep it there. NOTE: If you have nothing in your hold, the NPCs will still interdict you, but when they see you have nothing, they leave you alone 99% of the time. if they don't leave you alone and they aren't WAY above your rank, blow them up if you can. If not, run.

Squadrons are in interesting thing, you're better off learning on your own first. Watch many youtube vids there are a few. The Yamiks is my favorite, hes pretty funny, and also this site is one of the best. There are also a few websites that are like this such as EDSM.net and the Frontier site.

In any case, when you take missions, don't take any that are way above your rank. Sure the lower and easier missions don't pay as much, but you also aren't getting your ass blown up on the regular either. Courier missions are pretty cool because: 1.) you get to get a feel for where the nearby stations are. 2.) you get credits and rep. 3.) if you complete the mission fast enough, you get a bonus, which is sometimes double the mission reward. 4.) you are carrying nothing to be interdicted for, so that will be a rare thing unless you are wanted for something. Don't be wanted, its just another pain in the ass you don't need.

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