What have you been up to in Elite?

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Bazr avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 6 years ago.

another PC update, finally got exploration elite and moved my base to Shinrarta.

built up a good number of engineer stuff from the crashed Annie at Koli Discii. (easy landing terrain there )

Finding out they have made quite a few changes to game, have not even looked at the new exploration method including the planet scan with firing probes etc.

Gonna look at maybe mining or building up combat rank for some of the engineers.

Put a laser and multicannon on the Cobra.

Found out the Annie needs a good power distributor to boost lol.

Have not gone back to the PS4 yet but I did update it with the new stuff.


JayVee avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 6 years ago.

Congrats Bazr on Elite status, a nice christmas present to yourself!
I've had problems with the update on bothe systems, but the PS4 seems to have come off worse. The exploration takes a bit of getting used to but is O.K, I'm in a squadron supporting a faction on both systems so 2 different factions, BGS therefore takes up a lot of my time. Wishing all of Rogueys supporters including the man himself avery Merry Christmas


Bazr avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 6 years ago.

thanks JayVee +1 on the Chrissy wishes to everyone on this great site.

fooling around with the mining atm...takes a bit of getting used to but is interesting to try the new system...cannot comment on the old one but I know for some it appeared a bit boring.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 6 years ago.

Congratulations on the Elite status, and best Christmas messages to you all.

Mining is something I need to take another look, as I hear you can make a quite a lot of money from it atm.


Bazr avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 6 years ago.

thanks boss, and cheers to you as well.

yep void opals using the asteroid blow up technique appears the go.. just gotta find them as well as a place that buys at high prices.


Bazr avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 6 years ago.



Bazr avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 6 years ago.

well it is obvious I am too old to play this game because I spent all of last year trying to accept I would be 76 years old in 2019, finally got to grips with it.

Then I was informed yesterday I would be 77 today !!

Don't know where the hell that year went to that I lost lol.


JayVee avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 6 years ago.

Hi Bazr, belated Birthday wishes to you. My view is that the older you get the faster time goes, I'm 71 lol


Gomorragh avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 6 years ago.

Well ive had a long break from elite just to drop in the other day and do 2 mining runs using the new mining, off those 2 runs i made 300million for 200t of cargo ...... this void opal scam is a bit much at 1.6 million per item sold

Cmdr Gomorragh - Stares at players, just waiting ......

Bazr avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 6 years ago.

Well that is better than a kick in the thrusters eh ?

Seems like the grind for cash has lessened somewhat as far as mining is concerned.


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 5 years ago.

Well i finally logged in for a bit to try out the new mining system. Not bad overall. Has the benefit of being able to do your normal thing like painite mining and finding cores of good stuff in ice belts. I do like how hotspots are highlighted for more targeted mining. Go for the low temperature diamonds, stay for the void opals. Since everyone is mining opals, the price has dropped significantly though, they are down to around 800k each in select areas. Still really good though. Glad to see mining got a buff finally. I didn't mind it before the update once I learned how to do it (could make easy 30m an hour the old way), now its just bank.

ed: looks like they are indeed still 1.6m each.


Bazr avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 5 years ago.

Hi guys..just back from annual 2 week slope flying rc gliders and will get into game again.....last I remember I was at a guardian site trying to get the fsd plans and got pummeled by the sentries as I tried to find my way around to set off the pylons lol.

Basically has anyone done the guardian weapons/ships/modules and are they worth the trouble ?

Also are any of you guys on the distant worlds 2 thing ?

sounded good but my ships are not up to standard yet for that sort of thing.

all the best guys Smile


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 5 years ago.

I got the guardian FSD booster. Its annoying to get but I feel its worth it if you explore a lot. I put it on my krait phantom and flew to Sagittarius A*. +10LY doesn't sound like a lot but it really does help, especially if you use a neutron highway.


Bazr avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 5 years ago.

thanks Sinxar, yeh that was what I thought when I started to go for it, larger ships with more spaces for stuff would benefit I rekon.

Am looking forward to trying the neutron hwy, the phantom is on my list atm, seems like a good ship overall.

Basically I am trying to build up my list of extras viz. stuff to fight the alien threat as I believe that it will become everyday part of the game in the future probably, and we will not be able to get away from it hehe

It appears to me that it is not so much a grind now to get cash, so that can be done at any stage when needed.

ps. what is there to do where you are (Sagittarius A ), is there stations for outfitting/missions etc ?

another ps. Am using PC, how have you setup your bindings for the new scanner ?
I have a Hotas 4 but I read the mouse works ok, should learn how to use the thing as it should be quicker than flying all the way round the system eh?


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 5 years ago.

ps. what is there to do where you are (Sagittarius A ), is there stations for outfitting/missions etc ?
- Bazr

Nothing really. There are a lot of stars nearby so I just found one that wasn't discovered yet and scanned it to write my name on the wall so to speak. I don't think there are any stations at all nearby. Closest being Colonia I think.

another ps. Am using PC, how have you setup your bindings for the new scanner ?
I have a Hotas 4 but I read the mouse works ok, should learn how to use the thing as it should be quicker than flying all the way round the system eh?
- Bazr

I just use the default binding with the mouse. Had to turn up the sensitivity to max in the settings for the FSS. Not sure why it is so low by default. If anything I think it needs to go even higher than max. Could be just me though.

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